Distinguished Alumni Award

About the Awards

The Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award recognizes alumni who have made outstanding contributions to medicine and distinguished service to mankind.

The Distinguished Alumni Service Award recognizes alumni who have made an outstanding commitment to the health and welfare of their patients and their community and for humanitarian activities.

The Distinguished Alumni Early Career Achievement Award recognizes alumni (within the first 15 years of their career) who have made significant contributions through clinical service, research, education, public or professional service and/or administrative leadership.

Award selection is made by the Alumni Society Board of Governors and recipients will be recognized at commencement ceremonies each May. Nominations are open and must be submitted by an alumnus/alumna, faculty or friend of the school. Self-nominations are not accepted. Nominate using the button below.

Award recipients

Julie Panepinto, MD '91 (Achievement Award)

Wesley Robinson-McNeese, MD '86 (Service Award)

Sameer Vohra, MD, JD, '11 (Early Career Achievement)

Traves Crabtree, MD '95 (Achievement Award)

Stephen Goetter, MD '76 (Service Award)

Elizabeth Stewart, MD ' 07 (Early Career Achievement)

Ronald Romanelli, MD '83 (Achievement Award)

Constance Shabazz, MD '86 (Service Award)

Andrew Miller, MD '05 (Early Career Achievement)

Erik Constance, MD, '88

Senait Fisseha, MD, JD, '99

Paul Checchia, MD '93

Janet Albers, MD '87

Elizabeth Montgomery Collins, MD, MPH, DTM, ‘96

Mary Jo Gorman, MD '84

Stephen Raben, MD '90

 Edward Paul, MD '81

See commencement photos from 2013-current.