
Educational Policy Council
Policy for Educational Research

The oversight of educational research involving medical students and the undergraduate curriculum is the responsibility of the Springfield Committee for Research Involving Human Subjects (SCRIHS), the Carbondale Human Subjects Committee (CHSC), the Education Policy Council (EPC), and the Associate Dean for Education and Curriculum (ADEC). The responsibility of SCRIHS and CHSC in reviewing the proposed research is to assure that research subjects are informed of their rights and to protect their welfare.

Since students are a protected class of subjects, this aspect of research will be closely scrutinized. The responsibility of the EPC and the ADEC in reviewing the proposed research is to minimize interference with the ongoing curriculum and to protect institutional interests.

For all research involving Southern Illinois University School of Medicine medical students and data generated in relation to implementation and evaluation of the curriculum:

1. All proposed undergraduate educational research to be undertaken by SIUSOM faculty members, students, residents or staff must be approved by SCRIHS or CHSC prior to initiation of the research. The research shall have been approved by the ADEC, as evidenced by signature on the appropriate SCRIHS or CHSC document, prior to submission to SCRIHS or CHSC.

2. All proposed undergraduate educational research undertaken solely by faculty members, students, residents or staff of institutions other than SIUSOM (i.e., research proposals originating from institutions other than the SIU-SOM and not having SIU-SOM faculty, students, residents or staff as collaborative investigators) must be approved by SCRIHS or CHSC prior to initiation of the research. The research shall have been approved by the ADEC, as evidenced by signature on the appropriate SCRIHS or CHSC document, prior to submission to SCRIHS or CHSC. The ADEC shall inform the EPC of each of these research projects originating from institutions other than SIU-SOM.