Succeed Faculty Development

Welcome to Succeed

The Academy for Scholarship in Education through the Department of Medical Education welcomes you to Succeed, a new faculty development program built upon the success of the Hit the Ground Running new faculty program. The program is individualized, evidence-based, and flexible.

Purpose of Succeed

Succeed is an individualized faculty development program that connects faculty with learning resources within and beyond Southern Illinois University School of Medicine (resources may include but are not limited to formal programs and courses, professional memberships, experiences, inquiry projects, materials, mentors, and online learning environments). Succeed aims to provide flexible, competency-based pathways for improving teaching, allows faculty to adapt learning opportunities that align with their goals, and create spaces for leadership devleopment. Succeed aligns with the promotion and tenure process so faculty members are supported as they begin or continue the process of becoming outstanding teachers and scholars.

Elements of Succeed

In October, faculty members will develop an individualized professional action plan that identifies goals, action items, outcomes, and proposed timelines focused on their practice, their teaching, their scholarship, and their service. The aim of Succeed is to coach new faculty through the process of becoming self-directed learners in an academic setting and to foster lifelong learning.  All faculty members who complete the requirements of the Succeed program will receive a formal program completion letter that acknowledges the faculty member’s individual accomplishments within the program (a copy of this letter will be sent to Department Chairs). Once faculty members complete Succeed, they will be positioned to set goals, identify resources, take action, and continue on the promotion trajectory. Faculty will be able to share their development plans with their department chairs for ongoing guidance, mentoring, and opportunities for growth.

Succeed Overview

Succeed allows faculty to identify learning opportunities that will enhance their teaching and scholarship. The Academy for Scholarship in Education will keep track of these learning opportunities and assign point values.

Awarding points acknowledges the complexity of faculty development, provides a flexible way to earn credit for active development, and guides faculty through the process of continuous development in an academic setting. To complete the Succeed program, faculty members will need to earn 1000 development points.

Development points can be accumulated through a variety of avenues. If faculty members have development ideas not listed, they can discuss these with the Director of the Academy and their department chairs to determine a point value. Once a faculty member reaches 1000 points and submits a completed action plan, the Director of the Academy will formally recognize the faculty member’s work in a letter that is sent to the faculty and his or her department chair (this letter and the action plan would be excellent additions to the faculty member’s dossier).