Institutional Information

Applicant Organization Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University
Does Business As (DBA) SIU School of Medicine
Authorized Organizational Official
please see below for signature blocks
Donald S. Torry, PhD
Interim Associate Dean for Research
DUNS 038415006
Federal Entity Identification Number
Congressional District IL-013
Senatorial District 50
House of Representative District 99
DHHS Fringe Benefit & Indirect Cost
Agreement Date
SAM Cage Code 3A8W8
SAM Cage Code Expiry Date 11/28/2017
Animal Welfare Assurance Number A-3209-01
AAALAC Accrediation Number 000551
Human Subjects Assurance of Compliance Number FWA00003491
IDHR Number 110746-00
IPF Number 1194504


Applications may need differing signature blocks dependent upon the grant or contract. Please contact Pam Burk directly at 217-545-8174 to determine which block is appropriate for your application. One of the following three will be used:

Donald S. Torry, PhD
Interim Associate Dean for Research for Brad Colwell, Interim Chancellor
Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Wendy Cox-Largent, CPA, MBA
Associate Provost for Finance and Administration for Brad Colwell, Interim Chancellor
Southern Illiinois University Carbondale

Connie Hess
Assistant Provost for Financial Affairs for Brad Colwell, Interim Chancellor
Southern Illinois University Carbondale


If information from Southern Illinois University Carbondale is needed, please visit the Office of Sponsored Projects website:
or email: