Demonstration of Patient Safety Experiences


This standard was developed for SIU Medicine. SIU Medicine collectively applies to the SIU School of Medicine (SIU SOM), including the Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), and SIU HealthCare (SIU HC). These entities are collectively referred to as SIU in this document.

This document applies to SIU staff, faculty, trainees, agents, officers, directors, interns, volunteers, contractors, and any other individual or entity engaged in providing teaching, research and health care items and services at SIU. These individuals are collectively referred to as SIU personnel in this document.


The term “resident” is inclusive of all trainees at SIU School of Medicine, whether training in a residency or fellowship program.  The term “program” is inclusive of all SIU residency or fellowship programs, whether accredited or non-accredited.


The electronic reporting of a patient safety incident, error or near miss and the participation in a root cause analysis (RCA) or similar patient safety debriefing are considered to be core patient safety skills.


By the end of their first year of training at SIU, all residents must provide de-identified documentation that they have submitted an electronic safety event via the official electronic reporting mechanism of SIU HealthCare or Affiliated Hospitals. It will be the responsibility of the program to monitor this.

By the end of their first year of training at SIU, all residents must provide documentation that they have participated in a hospital RCA, a serious safety event, or a mock RCA. These activities may take place via SIU HealthCare or Affiliated Hospitals.  It will be the responsibility of the program to monitor this.

Fellows who matriculated into SIU fellowships from SIU residency training programs are exempt from providing this documentation.  It will be the responsibility of the program to monitor this.