Medical Education Research Fellowship Program


Medical education research is heavily based on social science research practices that are somewhat different from basic science research and require meeting rigorous social science research standards and processes. However, many faculty, fellow, and residents in medicine tend to learn informally and opportunistically through projects, which are rarely developed as successful medical education research scholarships. The program aims to develop interested SIU SOM members to be equipped with a basic understanding of medical education research to design and conduct a research project.


  • One-year program starting September each year 
  • Monthly in-person meetings for discussions and assignments (virtual only for Carbondale)
  • Project-based learning (learning by doing) 
  • No tuition cost 


  • Attendance in monthly meetings
  • Active participation in discussions
  • Monthly assignments: These will collectively become their research proposals.
    • Examples of assignments include a literature review, developing a research question, synthesizing educational theories, a research design, and reviewing a manuscript.
  • A research project proposal (Final Project)


  • SIU SOM Employees – Residents, fellow, faculty 
  • Incoming 4th year medical students


  • Cover letter specifically addressing how this program is aligned with career goals.
  • Curriculum vitae (CV)
  • A letter of support


  • Please send applications to Heeyoung Han, Ph.D. ( by June 30, each year. 
  • We will announce the selected applicants in mid-July each year.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Heeyoung Han, Ph.D. (