Denean Vreeland

Residency Program Coordinator

The list of educators in my family is a long one, so I am well aware of the mountains of paperwork required to document just one student’s journey to a high school diploma. When I combine that image with the lengthy path each surgeon takes, I recognize the difference I can make in their lives, and in turn the lives they touch.

After returning to school later in life to earn a degree in mathematics and a secondary education teaching certificate, I immediately found a position teaching high school math. Life’s journey eventually took me through a battle with breast cancer where the world of medicine stole my heart. I wanted to use my skills to make a difference in that arena and I have found what I consider to be my calling. My greatest joy has always been to be a mother, homemaker and teacher. I now get to practice what I love with brilliant young doctors, working behind the scenes to help them succeed.

Since my son and daughter have "left the nest", my husband Steve and I have turned our attention to our miniature dachshund, Ferdinand, and German Shepherd, Rex. They patrol our 3-1/2 acres and 100+ year-old farmhouse where I cook, quilt, garden, and raise chickens.