Are you looking for a fun and rewarding volunteer opportunity?

The Smith Alzheimer’s Center is seeking volunteers to assist staff with our community outreach programs. Designed to be fun, active and engaging, these programs fill a vital need for early-stage dementia patients and their caregivers. Join us for an informational meeting on Tuesday, July 25 to learn more about how you can volunteer.

Volunteers do not need to have a healthcare background. You just need a desire to make a difference in someone else’s life in our community. This can be also a fun way for you to stay active and healthy.

Examples of volunteer work may include:

  • Distributing art supplies to participants in an art therapy program.
  • Assisting participants in creating crafts or other projects.
  • Serving lunch and refreshments.
  • Helping set out small weights or help demonstrate an exercise for a lower body exercise class.

The Smith Alzheimer’s Center will provide training about Alzheimer’s and related dementias, and you will have a volunteer mentor to help you get started.

Volunteer meeting details

Location:      SIU School of Medicine Campus, Dirksen Conference Room
                     801 N. Rutledge, Springfield

Date:            July 25, 2023
Time:            2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Light refreshments will be served.

To RSVP, or to ask questions, call 217-545-5698 or email

“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.”
~Winston Churchill