Interdisciplinary Network for Outreach


The Interdisciplinary Network For Outreach is the first SIU School of Medicine student organized group of its kind. Members involved are interested in serving global and local communities through health related outreach projects.

This student-based organization emerged from a Student Interest Group centered around Population Health and Prevention concepts, but since September 2008, it has begun to develop into a network of relationships that reach throughout the Springfield community and abroad.

Student leaders are elected by their peers annually.

We hope to bring healthcare professionals and students together such that outreach projects are stronger and more effective. We hope you enjoy! This group is sponsored by Family and Community Medicine Department. For more details please contact Dr. Christopher L. Gleason, faculty advisor, at

Public Health Pathways Training Opportunities

Community Activities

There are numerous community activities the students develop, organize, and manage. These include but are not limited to:

  • Health Education related to nutrition, physical activity, reproduction, self-esteem, etc.
  • Free Health Clinic- Provide direct health care in a team environment. This clinic occurs in conjunction with local social service agencies. Many opportunities exist for volunteering. The clinic provides care to over 60 clients.

These are just a couple of examples of the community activities. There are over 20 agencies and 75 activities each year that a student can be involved. 


Students depend on small grants, agency support, and fundraising for their community and global outreach activities.

Support has been received from Cold Stone Creamery, Longhorns, Chili's, Memorial Medical Center, St. John's Hospital, CVS, etc.

If you or your organization would like to donate funds to help medical students complete local and/or global health service projects, the SIU School of Medicine Foundation has many options. Please be sure to direct the funds to the INFO group. Also if you have ideas for fundraisers please share those ideas with us.

Thank you in advance to all of those contributing funds and ideas!