Honoring Dr. Rabinovich

The Sergio Rabinovich, MD, Endowment in the Department of Internal Medicine will promote excellence in teaching residents. Planned uses of the endowment include hosting a nationally recognized visiting professor, providing funds for residents to travel to professional conferences, bestowing an award for the best clinical presentation at the department's Grand Rounds and honoring an outstanding senior resident.

Dr. Rabinovich, a native of Lima, Peru, joined SIU in 1973, shortly after the school was created. He became chairman and residency director of the Department of Medicine in 1974. Dr. Rabinovich retired in 1996, but he continues to contribute to the school through various committees and consulting activities.

During his career, Dr. Rabinovich was active in more than ten professional associations and published dozens of articles and abstracts. With his wife, Nelly, he raised four children, who all have entered health care related fields. Despite his busy schedule, Dr. Rabinovich has always reached out to residents in training, even inviting them over to share Thanksgiving dinner with his family.

Making your gift

To honor Dr. Rabinovich, donations can be made to the SIU Foundation at the School of Medicine. Options include online giving, cash gifts, multi-year pledges and securities. If you have questions or need more information, please contact the Foundation office at foundation@siumed.edu or 217.545.2955.