Your Champion toolkit to help spread the word!

    SIU Day of Giving is an annual 24-hour day of generosity aimed at bringing our communities together to raise awareness and support of SIU School of Medicine's vision of better health for all. Day of Giving harnesses the power of digital communication and word-of-mouth advocacy from our champions to encourage donors to power a cause close to their hearts. 

    Every gift matters! 
    2024 goal: 400 donors 

    What cause is close to your heart? With over 600 funds supporting the school, your gift can assist areas such as:

    • Your immediate department, division, or office
    • Cancer research
    • Patient support: pediatric patients, cancer patients, and others
    • Medical student wellness and support
    • Medical student, MEDPREP, or PA scholarships
    • Resident education and training
    • And so many more!
    2 weeks before Day of Giving (February 12-26)
    • Announce that Day of Giving is coming up on your social channels. Download a photo below to share on social media!
    • Like and share the SIU Medicine Facebook posts, and be sure to tag your friends.
    • Text and/or email friends and family to let them know Day of Giving is coming up.
    A few days before Day of Giving (February 26-28)
    • Change your Facebook profile pictures and cover photo to one of the Day of Giving images below
    • Continue posting about SIU Day of Giving on your social media channels and tagging friends.
    • Email or text your personal and work network.
    • Lead by example, and make your gift early at Forward Funder.
    Day of Giving – February 28
    • Email your personal network that today’s the day! See sample emails below.
    • Post/share on social media throughout the day and tag your friends. See sample posts below.
    • Take photos/selfies of you and your department and post them to your social channels. Please also share them with
    Post Day of Giving – before March 4
    • Thank your network for participating in Day of Giving.
    • Share SIU Medicine Day of Giving wrap-up posts on your social media channels.
    • Show your School of Medicine pride by posting a photo of yourself in your purple gear and share the final Day of Giving totals.

    Remember to give your gift and share Forward Funder. You can give your gift now until February 28 – just mark it for Day of Giving when you check out!


    Download one of these images to share on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. To download an image for use: Click on an image to open it in a new window. On a Mac: Control + click, then select "Save image as..." On a PC: Right click, then select "Save image as..." On a mobile device: Press and hold the image, then tap "Save Image" or "Download Image"…

    Social media posts

    Copy and paste these sample social media posts, or write your own! These are good for any platform. Before the event.

    Email messaging

    Copy and paste the following message: Dear [NAME],


    To share the video above, click the "Share" button on the video or copy and paste this link: Sample message

    Downloadable images

    Click on an image below and then right click on the image to copy it or save it to your computer or phone for use on your social media accounts! 

    DOG 2024






    Day of Giving 2023


    Social media posts

    (Now until February 28)
    • SIU Day of Giving is coming up on Wednesday, February 28. Join me and support
      (designation area of choice). For more information, visit Forward Funder.
    • SIU’s Day of Giving brings together alumni, faculty, staff and friends for a 24-hour fundraising event. Your gift can help us accomplish our vision of better health for all. See all the areas you can help at Forward Funder.
    • Be a champion for our students and give a gift to student scholarships on #SIUDay of Giving. 
    • My superpower is giving back! Join me on February 28 for SIU Day of Giving. Learn more at
    • I’m grateful for the care I receive at SIU Medicine. Please join me in giving to scholarships that will help to train our next generation of doctors.

    (on February 28)
    • Today is #SIUDay of Giving! Join me and support (designation of choice) by donating at Forward Funder.
    • Together we can make a difference toward better health for all! Support (designation of choice) today in honor of #SIUDay of Giving. 
    • Be a CHAMPION for better health for all! Give now Forward Funder.

    (on February 29) 
    Watch for updates on our progress on our social media channels so that you can tell friends and family how much we raised. 
    • Thank you for being a Day of Giving Champion. Together we are one step closer to better health for all!

    Email banners

    Right click on this image to copy it and then paste it into your email. See the wording below for an email to support Day of Giving.

    DOG 2024

    (If you wish to send before February 28)
    Subject Line: Be an #SIUDay of Giving Champion

    Hello, (Name)

    On February 28, I want to encourage you to join me in being a Champion of Better Health for All by supporting SIU Medicine. For 24 hours, you can give a gift to the area you are most passionate about. From our research labs and clinics to our library and study rooms, SIU Medicine needs your help to provide the best possible opportunities to our students and dedicated faculty. 

    Making a gift is easy; just go to Forward Funder. I made my gift early, and I hope that you will join me now or on February 28. Donate today at Forward Funder.

    Thank you for supporting SIU Medicine’s mission!
    (Your Name)

    (If you wish to send on February 28)
    Subject Line: Be a CHAMPION for better health today!

    Hello, (Name)

    Today is #SIU Day of Giving, a 24-hour effort to raise 400 gifts to support SIU Medicine! For 24 hours, you can give a gift to the area you are most passionate about. From our research labs and clinics to our library and study rooms, SIU Medicine needs your help to provide the best possible opportunities to our students and dedicated faculty. 

    Making a gift is easy; just go to Forward Funder and choose the area you feel most passionate about supporting. Every gift matters.

    Thank you for supporting my work, our community’s health and the education of our future doctors. Donate today at Forward Funder.

    (Your Name)


    Remote video URL

    Other opportunities

    Offer a match or challenge gift to help us rally others to give. 

    Offering a match or challenge gift can mean a couple things. It could mean that you’re willing to give a number of dollars for each dollar (or for each donor) that the campaign receives up to your specified maximum gift amount. You can restrict both matches and challenges to apply to donors from a group affiliation i.e. Faculty/Staff, your class year, to the fund of your choice, or to specific people.

    For example, we would share: “John Smith will donate $1 to SIU Pediatrics for every donor who gives to the Pediatrics on Day of Giving.” Or, “Dr. Jane Jones will give match dollar for dollar all gifts given by SIU physicians.”

    Or maybe your department collectively wants to challenge others to donate to a certain fund: “100% of the Department of Pediatrics will donate if we can raise $5,000 for On Par for Pediatrics.”

    Create a video or story and share it with us and/or on your social channels. 

    By sharing a personal plea as to why you’re excited about Day of Giving or why you support a certain fund, others will want to get involved. Shooting a short video on your cell phone is all you need to do to add your story to the campaign!

    Share the Day of Giving link via social media, text, or email with friends and colleagues and tag your posts with #SIUDay.

    Example sharing message: "I'm proud to join in #SIUDay of Giving by making a gift to (the area that means the most to you). Join me! Make a gift in support of the Fund that means the most to YOU at”