GME Support in Event of Disaster or Interruption of Patient Care

For these purposes a disaster is defined as an event or set of events causing significant alteration to the residency or fellowship experience at one or more SIU training programs. Because of the devastating impact of natural or manmade disaster on information systems, programs are strongly encouraged to keep backup copies (either written or electronic) of important program and residency files at a different physical location than their residency office. 

In the event of a disaster, the Designated Institutional Official (DIO), SIU officials and leadership of the affected affiliated hospitals will, as soon as is possible, organize a designated command site for institutional leadership and a communication pathway to programs. These parties will work together to provide administrative support for programs and trainees and (if possible) ensure that resident/fellow assignments are continued with ongoing salary and benefits.

If, because of a disaster, an adequate educational experience cannot be maintained or provided for residents/fellows, the sponsoring institution will:

  1. Cooperate in and facilitate temporary transfers to other programs/institutions until such time as the residency or fellowship program can provide an adequate educational experience.
  2. Cooperate in and facilitate permanent transfers to other programs or institutions if necessary.  Programs will make the decisions whether or not residents need to be transferred permanently as expeditiously as possible to reduce the disruption to any resident’s training.
  3. Inform each transferred resident of the minimum duration of his/her temporary transfer and continue to keep each resident updated regarding the minimum duration.  If and when a program determines that a temporary transfer will continue through the end of a residency year, it will inform each transferred resident.

The DIO will be in contact with the ACGME Institutional Review Committee Executive Director with SIU information and/or requests for ACGME information. Program Directors of affected programs will communicate with the appropriate Residency Review Committee Executive Director.

Within 10 days after the declaration of a disaster, the DIO will contact the ACGME to discuss due dates for ACGME post disaster oversight.

 Last Approval Date:  February 20, 2015

 Effective Date: February 20, 2015