Selecting a Program Director


This policy was developed for SIU Medicine. SIU Medicine collectively applies to the SIU School of Medicine (SIU SOM), including the Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), and SIU HealthCare (SIU HC). These entities are collectively referred to as SIU in this document.

This document applies to SIU staff, faculty, trainees, agents, officers, directors, interns, volunteers, contractors, and any other individual or entity engaged in providing teaching, research and health care items and services at SIU. These individuals are collectively referred to as SIU personnel in this document.


The term “resident” is inclusive of all trainees at SIU SOM, whether training in a residency or fellowship program.  The term “program” is inclusive of all SIU residency or fellowship programs, whether accredited or non-accredited.



All residency and fellowship training programs at SIU School of Medicine are expected to be accredited by the appropriate Residency Review Committee (RRC) of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), if such accreditation is available.  Non-Accredited programs are subject to the same GMEC oversight as accredited programs.
All Program Directors must be fully aware of the ACGME,  other applicable accreditation agencies and SIU/GMEC requirements for their program and for the institution.  

In recognition of these requirements, and to assist the departments in the recruitment and selection of the most highly qualified program directors available, the Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) will participate in the process as follows:

  1. As required by the ACGME Institutional Requirements, the GMEC  must review and approve all appointments of new program directors. 
  2. The department chair will inform the chair of the GMEC at the outset of any recruitment process for a program director. 
  3. The chair of the GMEC will be kept informed of the progress of any search for a program director.
  4. The chair of the GMEC must interview the final candidate(s) prior to review by GMEC.