General Goals: During the rotation the fellow will be responsible for the care of the patients in the CCU. This rotation, which spans 2 months in the first year, serves as an intensive introduction to the management of the most acute cardiac problems. The fellow is also responsible for initial evaluation and triage of patients presenting to the Emergency Department with suspected acute cardiac disorders.

Objectives: At the end of this rotation, fellows are expected to be facile with:

  • Evaluation, triage, management, and risk stratification of patients with chest pain.
  • Management of patients with stable coronary artery disease and acute coronary syndromes (unstable angina, ST and non ST elevation acute myocardial infarction).
  • Indications for and complications of non-invasive and invasive (including catheterization and EPS) cardiac testing, intervention and revascularization.
  • Primary and secondary prevention of coronary artery disease.
  • Primary and secondary prevention of life threatening arrhythmias.
  • Management of patients with acute and chronic CHF.
  • Recognition and initial management of life threatening arrhythmias.
  • Management of hypertensive urgency and crisis.
  • Management of aortic dissection.
  • ECG interpretation.
  • Indications for use and adverse reactions of common cardiovascular drugs.
  • Placement (and subsequent management) of Swan Ganz catheters, temporary intravenous and transcutaneous pacemakers and intra-aortic balloon pumps.
  • Practice evidence based medicine.