Internal Medicine Residency application

Completed ERAS applications which should include the following:

For US, DO, and International Graduates:

To participate in the NRMP Match, students and graduates of international medical schools must have passed the following examinations by the NRMP Rank Order List deadline.

  1. Steps 1 and 2. (Passing scores on first attempts are preferred. Average scores of those matched into our program are typically 229 for Step 1 and 237 for Step 2.)
  2. Medical Student Performance Evaluations (MSPEs)/deans letter and medical school transcripts.
  3. Three letters of recommendation (at least two from faculty at your medical school).
  4. All applicants must be registered with the NRMP. Positions are filled exclusively through the NRMP.

For international graduates:

  1. Medical school graduation within the past 3 years.
  2. Clinical US experience is desired but not required.
  3. We do not sponsor the H1-b visa.
  4. We accept J1 visas.
  5. As a mission-based medical school and residency program, applicants with educational, family or personal ties to the region and who are otherwise equally qualified are often ranked more competitively.

SIU Department of Internal Medicine and Signaling:

We view a candidate who has signaled our program as someone with serious interest in our residency and who shares the same values, goals and geographic preference. We also consider applicants who don't signal us if we feel they align with our mission and values.

A signal allows us to give an application a priority review, increasing a candidate’s chance of being offered an interview. We feel this is equitable and in line with the purpose advanced by NRMP, ERAS and the AAMC.