Ishaan Anavkar

Graduate student
Population Science and Policy

    About me



    Additional languages spoken

    Intermediate: Spanish,
    Basic: French

    Education & training

    Graduate Degree
    Master of Arts, Social Sciences, historical geography of colonialism in the Middle East, South Asia, and North America, University of Chicago
    Undergraduate Degree
    Bachelor of Arts in Honors History, International Politics, and Geography, Minors in Anthropology, Linguistics, and Geographic Information Science, Pennsylvania State University


    For Penn State’s Schreyer Honors College, Ishaan wrote his thesis on Middle Eastern history, with Lior Sternfeld and Cathleen Cahill as his advisors, titled “The Post-WWI Partition of the Ottoman Empire: How Great Britain and France Carved Out the Modern State Order in the Fertile Crescent.” 

    He is currently writing his Master’s thesis at UChicago in historical geography under Michael Conzen, titled “The Making of Early Colonial India: A Geographical Synthesis of European Colonial Engagement in Indian History, 1498-1857.”