Natural Medicines

Ever wonder why “an apple a day keeps the doctor away?” The Medical Library has a new resource that can help answer this and other questions about complementary, alternative, and integrative therapies! Natural Medicines is widely respected as “the most authoritative resource available” on these treatments and aims to provide health professionals clinically practical information by using an empirical, evidence-based approach. In the same way that other databases are routinely updated to include the most recent primary literature, all monographs are reviewed and updated every 24 months at minimum.

Natural Medicines includes six separate databases including “Food, Herbs & Supplements”; “Manufacturers” of any supplement or nutraceutical; and “Comparative Effectiveness” of alternative modalities and supplements. Useful features include the ability to identify adverse effects, rule out supplements as etiologies of presenting complaints, evaluate nutritional deficiencies caused by medications, and examine the effectiveness of a modality or supplement.

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