BMS Curriculum Options

BMS is a 30-credit coursework-only master's degree  that provides rigorous preparation for medical, dental, PA or other professional schools. Students will work with their advisor to select a program that best suits their needs. The sample curricula shown below are examples only and can be tailored for each student.

Starting in fall 2025, BMS will be housed within the SIU School of Medicine Multidisciplinary Biomedical and Biological Sciences Graduate Program. Application instructions are changing! See application instructions on the Apply Page

Students may apply for fall or spring entry. 

Summer admissions is only via the BMS - MEDPREP Option. MEDPREP is a 2-year program for educationally or socioeconomically disadvantaged students, particularly from Illinois. Applicants interested in the MEDPREP Option must apply directly to MEDPREP first; MEDPREP option applicants should NOT apply via the SIUC Application Portal. MEDPREP has both degree and non-degree options. For more information about MEDPREP, visit SIUSOM Medical and Dental Education Preparatory Program

The BMS program convenes on the SIUC Carbondale campus and students must attend in-person. Although there are some online courses, there is currently no fully online curriculum. 


Required Courses: 

  • MBBS 505 Orientation Seminar (1 credit minimum; may be repeated for credit)
  • MBBS 506 Scientific Application I (2 cr. minimum; may be repeated for credit)
  • MBBS 554A and MBBS 554B (Biochemistry I and II) 2-semester sequence (6 cr. total)
  • Human or mammalian physiology, or cellular physiology (3 cr. minimum)
  • Human anatomy (3 cr. minimum)
  • Elective courses to meet 21 graded credits minimum in BMS coursework or biological science content areas (physiology, anatomy, molecular biology, microbiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, immunology, etc.), 15 credit 500-level course minimum, and graduate school 30 credit minimum for the degree.

The BMS-MEDPREP Option has a substantially different curriculum and requires 5 terms (summer term, plus four academic semesters) to complete. For information about curriculum for the MEDPREP Option, visit the SIUSOM MEDPREP Program pages

Example Curriculum - Two Semester Sequence

 Two semester sequence example I - Most Test and Application Preparation

Fall Semester

Spring Semester

MBBS 505 (Seminar/Application Prep) [1] 

MBBS 506 (Scientific Apps/Test Prep) [2] 

MBBS 554A (Biochemistry I) [3]

MBBS 511A (Mammalian Physiol. I) [4]

PHSL 401A (Gross Anatomy I) [5]


MBBS 505 (Seminar/Application Prep) [1]

MBBS 506 (Scientific Apps/Test Prep) [2] 

MBBS 554B (Biochemistry II) [3]

PHSL 511B (Mammalian Physiol. II) [4] 

MBBS 503 Embryology [3]

Elective (3 credits)


15 credits 

16 credits 
Two semester sequence example II - No Test Preparation 

Fall Semester

Spring Semester

MBBS 505 (Seminar) [1] 

MBBS 506 (Scientific Application) [2] 

MBBS 554A (Biochemistry I) [3]

MBBS 511A (Mammalian Physiol. I) [4]

Anatomy or Biology Elective Courses [6 credits (e.g. Neuroanatomy or pharmacology)]

MBBS 554B (Biochemistry II) [3]

Anatomy or  Biology Elective Courses (minimum 11 credits) (e.g. embryology, pharmacology, or medical microbiology)


16 credits 

 Minimum 14 credits
Three or Four semester sequence - use for anatomy teaching certificate, decompressed schedule, or prerequisite completion. 
  • Please note full-time enrollment for graduate students is 9 credit-hours per semester. Taking fewer hours is possible, but may impact financial aid eligibility. 
  • Students may apply to medical, dental or other professional school in the summer after their first year, and complete their second year during the year-long professional school application process. 

Fall Semester 1

Spring Semester 1

MBBS 505 (Seminar/Application Prep) [1] 

MBBS 506 (Scientific Apps/Test Prep) [2] 

MBBS 554A (Biochemistry I) [3]

Electives (minimum 3 credits) 

OR take undergraduate prerequisites if needed

MBBS 505 (Seminar/Application Prep) [1]

MBBS 506 (Scientific Apps/Test Prep) [2] 

MBBS 554B (Biochemistry II) [3]

Electives (minimum 3 credits) or take undergraduate prerequisites if needed

OR take undergraduate prerequisites if needed

6-15 credits; some may be UG credits

6-15 credits; some may be UG credits

Fall Semester 2

Spring Semester 2

MBBS 511A (Mammalian Physio I) [4]

MBBS 502 (Neuroanatomy) [4] or PHSL 401A (Gross Anatomy I) [5]

Elective e.g. MBBS 550A (Pharmacology) [3]

OR other elective courses as needed for prerequisites, anatomy teaching certificate, etc. 



MBBS 511B (Mammalian Physio II) [4] credits

MBBS 503 (Embryology) [4] or PHSL 401B (Gross Anatomy I) [5] 

Elective e.g. MBBS 550B Pharmacology) [3]

OR other elective courses as needed for prerequisites, anatomy teaching certificate, etc.



6-15 credits 

6-15 credits