HEALER Scholar

HEALER Scholars earn recognition while building humanities knowledge and their portfolios. A list of students on track to be recognized as HEALER Scholars will be given to the Dean of Students in the fall semester so that the information can be included on residency applications.


A thriving world filled with purpose, compassion, joy and health, by creating conditions that nurture compassionate healers.

Goal of Medical Humanities HEALER Scholars Pathway:

To emphasize healing as an art and a science. We are best able to care for others when we are able to bring our full selves to our healing encounters, nurtured through a connection to the humanities. The pathway gives students tools to take into future
patient-care and self-care. The pathway offers an additional way to nurture student development as compassionate healers.

Pathway Image


  • Advocacy
  • Art
  • Community Engagement
  • Environmental (social and political) Determinants of Health
  • Ethics
  • History
  • Literature/Poetry
  • Philosophy
  • Religion
  • Theater/Film


  • Art Observation Elective
  • Submit an entry to Scope Magazine or serve on the editorial staff
  • Work in a Community Garden
  • Take an Ethics or History of Medicine Elective
  • Attend an Institutional Review Board Meeting
  • Create a self-guided tour of the Pearson Museum
  • Participate in the Medical-Legal Partnership
  • Write a letter to a senator
  • Participate in a Story Slam
  • Host a discussion with leaders from different faiths
  • Attend a film night or theater show, with a discussion following

Becoming a HEALER Scholar

To experience the breadth of the humanities discipline, Healer pathway participants must participate in activities from at least 4 of the Medical Humanities areas. To experience depth, they must complete at least 4 activities in any one area.

  • Students will work with Medical Humanities faculty mentors regarding the amount of credit to be given for a specific activity.
  • Students will actively engage in the activities via discussions and a reflective paragraph for each activity.

HEALER Scholars graduate with a portfolio of reflections on their humanities learning to take with them into their doctoring career. They will have deeper knowledge, skills, attitudes, and experiences to integrate medicine with humanities. Students will be able to incorporate time with the humanities to care for themselves as physicians, and their patients as people.


25 credits = Pewter Level Pathway Scholar

35 credits = Bronze Level Pathway Scholar

45 credits = Silver Level Pathway Scholar

HEALER Scholars who complete 45 credits
and a CAPSTONE PROJECT that results
in creation of enduring materials and/or
submission or presentation at an academic
meeting and/or submission or publication
will earn a Gold Level Pathway Scholar


Susan Hingle - shingle@siumed.edu
Carolyn Pointer - cpointer49@siumed.edu
Alex Hopkins - bhopkins24@siumed.edu

Medical Humanities office - 217-545-4261