Michael Buhnerkempe, PhD

Research Associate Professor

    About me

    As a biostatistician and member of the Clinical Translational Science Group, my research focuses on the development and application of cutting edge statistical and mathematical tools to clinical data. Specifically, I aim to provide robust, quantitative tools that can be used to aid in clinical decision making both in terms of identifying the most effective treatment options as well as targeting patient populations for care. This research is highly collaborative and involves contributions from clinicians, research scientists, IT professionals, and statisticians. Although my research centers on hypertension, as a faculty member in the Department of Internal Medicine, my work spans a number of clinical specialties and also includes consulting on research design, data collection and management, and analysis issues.



    Education & training

    Undergraduate Degree
    B.S. in Integrative Biology and Statistics from the University of Illinois, Urbana/Champaign, Illinois:
    M.S. in Statistics from Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado:
    Ph.D. in Zoology from Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
    RAPIDD Postdoctoral Fellowship, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD - 2013-Present:
    Regular Fellowship, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Fort Collins, CO 2008-2009:
    Graduate Fellowship, NSF IGERT – Program for Interdisciplinary, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO - 2007-2008


    Buhnerkempe, M.G., K.C. Prager, C.C. Strelioff, D.J. Greig, J.L. Laake, S.R. Melin, R.L. DeLong, F. Gulland, and J.O. Lloyd-Smith. 2017. Detecting signals of chronic shedding to explain pathogen persistence: Leptospira interrogans in California sea lions. Journal of Animal Ecology. 86: 460-472.

    Pepin, K., S. Kay, B. Golas, S. Shriner, A. Gilbert, R. Miller, A. Graham, S. Riley, P. Cross, M. Samuel, M. Hooten, J. Hoeting, J. Lloyd-Smith, C. Webb, and M. Buhnerkempe. 2017. Inferring infection hazard in wildlife populations by linking data across individual and population scales. Ecology Letters. 20: 275-292

    Schakner, Z.A., M.G. Buhnerkempe, M.J. Tennis, R.J. Stansell, B.K. Van Der Leeuw, J.O. Lloyd-Smith, and D.T. Blumstein. 2016. Epidemiological models to control the spread of information in marine mammals. Proceedings of the Royal Society London: Series B. 283: 20162037.

    Gorsich, E.E., A.D. Luis, M.G. Buhnerkempe, D.A. Grear, K. Portacci, R.S. Miller, and C.T. Webb. 2016. Mapping US cattle shipment networks: spatial and temporal patterns of trade communities from 2009 to 2011. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 134: 82-91.

    Buhnerkempe, M.G., C.T. Webb, A. Merton, J. Buhnerkempe, G. Givens, R. Miller, and J. Hoeting. 2016. Identification of migratory bird flyways in North America using community detection on biological networks. Ecological Applications. 26: 740-751.

    Buhnerkempe, M.G., K. Gostic, M. Park, P. Ahsan, and J.O. Lloyd-Smith. 2015. Mapping influenza transmission in the ferret model to transmission in humans. eLife. 4: e07969.

    Prager, K.C., D.P. Alt, M.G. Buhnerkempe, D.J. Greig, R.L. Galloway, Q. Wu, F.M.D. Gulland, and J.O. Lloyd-Smith. 2015. Antibiotic efficacy in eliminating leptospiruria in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) stranding with leptospirosis. Aquatic Mammals. 41: 203-212.

    Buhnerkempe, M.G., M.G. Roberts, A.P. Dobson, H. Heesterbeek, P.J. Hudson, and J.O. Lloyd-Smith. 2015. Eight challenges in modelling disease ecology in multi-host, multi-agent systems. Epidemics. 10: 26-30.

    Pepin, K.M., C.B. Leach, C. Marques-Toledo, K.H. Laass, K.S. Paixao, A.D. Luis, D.T.S. Hayman, N.G. Johnson, M.G. Buhnerkempe, S. Carver, D.A. Grear, K. Tsao, A.E. Eiras, and C.T. Webb. 2015. Utility of mosquito surveillance data for spatial prioritization of vector control against dengue viruses in three Brazilian cities. Parasites and Vectors. 8: 98.

    Buhnerkempe, M.G., M.J. Tildesley, T. Lindström, D.A. Grear, K. Portacci, R.S. Miller, J. Lombard, M. Werkman, M.J. Keeling, U. Wennergren, and C.T. Webb. 2014. The impact of movements and animal density on continental scale cattle disease outbreaks in the United States. PLoS ONE 9: e91724.

    Buhnerkempe, M.G., D.A. Grear, K. Portacci, R.S. Miller, J.E. Lombard, and C.T. Webb. 2013. A national-scale picture of U.S. cattle movements obtained from Interstate Certificate of Veterinary Inspection data. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 112: 318-329.

    Portacci, K., R.S. Miller, P.D. Riggs, M.G. Buhnerkempe, and L.M. Abrahamsen. 2013. Assessment of paper interstate certificates of veterinary inspection to support disease tracing in cattle. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 243: 555-560.

    Lindström, T., D. Grear, M. Buhnerkempe, C. Webb, R. Miller, K. Portacci, and U. Wennergren. 2013. A Bayesian approach for modeling cattle movements in the United States: scaling up a partially observed network. PLoS ONE 8(1): e53432. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053432.

    Buhnerkempe, M., R. Eisen, B. Goodell, K. Gage, M. Antolin, and C. Webb. 2011. Transmission shifts underlie variability in population responses to Yersinia pestis infection. PLoS ONE 6(7): e22498. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022498.

    Buhnerkempe, M., N. Burch, S. Hamilton, K.M. Byrne, E. Childers, K.A. Holfelder, L.N. McManus, M.I. Pyne, G. Schroeder, and P.F. Doherty. 2011. The utility of transient sensitivity for wildlife management and conservation: Bison as a case study. Biological Conservation 144: 1808-1815. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2011.03.012.

    Pyne, M.I., K.M. Byrne, K.A. Holfelder, L. McManus, M. Buhnerkempe, N. Burch, E. Childers, S. Hamilton, G. Schroeder, and P.F. Doherty Jr. 2010. Survival and breeding transitions for a reintroduced bison population: a multi-state approach. Journal of Wildlife Management. 74: 1463-1471.



    Buhnerkempe, M.G., K.C. Prager, C.C. Strelioff, D.J. Greig, J.L. Laake, S.R. Melin, R.L. DeLong, F. Gulland, and J.O. Lloyd-Smith. 2017. Detecting signals of chronic shedding to explain pathogen persistence: Leptospira interrogans in California sea lions. Journal of Animal Ecology. 86: 460-472.

    Pepin, K., S. Kay, B. Golas, S. Shriner, A. Gilbert, R. Miller, A. Graham, S. Riley, P. Cross, M. Samuel, M. Hooten, J. Hoeting, J. Lloyd-Smith, C. Webb, and M. Buhnerkempe. 2017. Inferring infection hazard in wildlife populations by linking data across individual and population scales. Ecology Letters. 20: 275-292

    Schakner, Z.A., M.G. Buhnerkempe, M.J. Tennis, R.J. Stansell, B.K. Van Der Leeuw, J.O. Lloyd-Smith, and D.T. Blumstein. 2016. Epidemiological models to control the spread of information in marine mammals. Proceedings of the Royal Society London: Series B. 283: 20162037.

    Gorsich, E.E., A.D. Luis, M.G. Buhnerkempe, D.A. Grear, K. Portacci, R.S. Miller, and C.T. Webb. 2016. Mapping US cattle shipment networks: spatial and temporal patterns of trade communities from 2009 to 2011. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 134: 82-91.

    Buhnerkempe, M.G., C.T. Webb, A. Merton, J. Buhnerkempe, G. Givens, R. Miller, and J. Hoeting. 2016. Identification of migratory bird flyways in North America using community detection on biological networks. Ecological Applications. 26: 740-751.

    Buhnerkempe, M.G., K. Gostic, M. Park, P. Ahsan, and J.O. Lloyd-Smith. 2015. Mapping influenza transmission in the ferret model to transmission in humans. eLife. 4: e07969.

    Prager, K.C., D.P. Alt, M.G. Buhnerkempe, D.J. Greig, R.L. Galloway, Q. Wu, F.M.D. Gulland, and J.O. Lloyd-Smith. 2015. Antibiotic efficacy in eliminating leptospiruria in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) stranding with leptospirosis. Aquatic Mammals. 41: 203-212.

    Buhnerkempe, M.G., M.G. Roberts, A.P. Dobson, H. Heesterbeek, P.J. Hudson, and J.O. Lloyd-Smith. 2015. Eight challenges in modelling disease ecology in multi-host, multi-agent systems. Epidemics. 10: 26-30.

    Pepin, K.M., C.B. Leach, C. Marques-Toledo, K.H. Laass, K.S. Paixao, A.D. Luis, D.T.S. Hayman, N.G. Johnson, M.G. Buhnerkempe, S. Carver, D.A. Grear, K. Tsao, A.E. Eiras, and C.T. Webb. 2015. Utility of mosquito surveillance data for spatial prioritization of vector control against dengue viruses in three Brazilian cities. Parasites and Vectors. 8: 98.

    Buhnerkempe, M.G., M.J. Tildesley, T. Lindström, D.A. Grear, K. Portacci, R.S. Miller, J. Lombard, M. Werkman, M.J. Keeling, U. Wennergren, and C.T. Webb. 2014. The impact of movements and animal density on continental scale cattle disease outbreaks in the United States. PLoS ONE 9: e91724.

    Buhnerkempe, M.G., D.A. Grear, K. Portacci, R.S. Miller, J.E. Lombard, and C.T. Webb. 2013. A national-scale picture of U.S. cattle movements obtained from Interstate Certificate of Veterinary Inspection data. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 112: 318-329.

    Portacci, K., R.S. Miller, P.D. Riggs, M.G. Buhnerkempe, and L.M. Abrahamsen. 2013. Assessment of paper interstate certificates of veterinary inspection to support disease tracing in cattle. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 243: 555-560.

    Lindström, T., D. Grear, M. Buhnerkempe, C. Webb, R. Miller, K. Portacci, and U. Wennergren. 2013. A Bayesian approach for modeling cattle movements in the United States: scaling up a partially observed network. PLoS ONE 8(1): e53432. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053432.

    Buhnerkempe, M., R. Eisen, B. Goodell, K. Gage, M. Antolin, and C. Webb. 2011. Transmission shifts underlie variability in population responses to Yersinia pestis infection. PLoS ONE 6(7): e22498. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022498.

    Buhnerkempe, M., N. Burch, S. Hamilton, K.M. Byrne, E. Childers, K.A. Holfelder, L.N. McManus, M.I. Pyne, G. Schroeder, and P.F. Doherty. 2011. The utility of transient sensitivity for wildlife management and conservation: Bison as a case study. Biological Conservation 144: 1808-1815. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2011.03.012.

    Pyne, M.I., K.M. Byrne, K.A. Holfelder, L. McManus, M. Buhnerkempe, N. Burch, E. Childers, S. Hamilton, G. Schroeder, and P.F. Doherty Jr. 2010. Survival and breeding transitions for a reintroduced bison population: a multi-state approach. Journal of Wildlife Management. 74: 1463-1471.