ACS/APDS/ASE Resident Prep Curriculum Objectives

Objectives Comprehensive Extended Limited
Demonstrate the ability to provide comprehensive and appropriate orders for surgical patients. x x  
Discuss the options for postoperative analgesia x x  
Describe the appropriate dosing of the most common narcotic medications x x  
Determine routine maintenance fluid requirements based upon age and clinical problem x x  
Outline the major determinants of additional fluid requirements in the surgical patient x x x
Demonstrate the ability to manage common electrolyte abnormalities in the surgical patient. x x  
Demonstrate the ability to interpret common ancillary testing performed in the surgical patient x x  
Establish the fundamentals of basic perioperative care of the surgical patient conditions: x x  
Thromboembolism x x  
Acute Deep vein thrombosis signs and symptoms x x x
Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis management x x x
Acute Pulmonary embolus signs and symptoms x x x
Acute Pulmonary Embolus management x x x
Fever x x  
Chest Pain x x  
Arrhythmia x    
Hypotension x x x
Hypertension x x  
Respiratory Distress x x  
Shortness of breath x x  
Tachycardia x x x
Mental Status Changes/ Unresponsiveness x x  
Hypoxemia x x  
Oliguria/Anuria x x  
Nausea/Vomiting x x x
Compartment Syndromes x    
Post-op pain x x x
Wound care x x x
Apply the basics of perioperative steroid use in patients requiring replacement and describe the classic symptoms/signs/lab abnormalities present in a patient with adrenal insufficiency x    
Describe the role of and contraindications for benzodiazepines and haldol in the perioperative patient, particulary in the elderly. x x  
Demonstrate the ability to safely function in the role of first responder to an urgent or emergent patient care situation. x x  
Demonstrate the ability to follow ACLS protocols when responding to patients in emergent situations x x  
Demonstrate the ability to appropriately prioritize tasks as the dynamics of a patients needs change. x x  
Demonstrate the ability to appropriately direct other members of the team to facilitate the care of the patient in an urgent or emergent situation x x  
Display compassionate communication skills and nonjudgmental behaviors x x x
Demonstrate compassion, integrity and respect in the workplace as it relates to professional relationships through the use of standardized scenarios portraying difficult professional interactions. x x x
Delineate the negative connotations of communication failures x x x
Review or model the potential consequences of failure to communicate, including the impact of ineffective modes of communication x x x
Review the consequences of failing to return calls in a timely fashion x x x
Effectively interact and communicate with all members of the healthcare team. x x x
Discuss the value of respect in working with other health care professionals x x x
Demonstrate effective and professional communication with nurses and/or other non-physician medical professionals through standardized or real clinical scenarios (e.g. mock page exercises) x x x
Demonstrate effective communication styles with patients through real or standardized clinical scenarios x