Image of SIU DMSc graduates Major Schneider and AAPA CMO Orozco

Celebrating Major Matthew Schneider, DMSc, PA-C: A Remarkable Journey of Leadership and Excellence

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In a world where dedication, passion, and leadership converge, Major Matthew Schneider stands tall as a shining example of an individual who has excelled in his chosen profession and has made a lasting impact. As a highly accomplished Physician Assistant (PA) in the military medical field, Major Schneider's journey inspires and motivates others to strive for greatness.

His path to becoming a PA and serving in the military began with a desire to save lives and make a meaningful difference. He joined the U.S. Army as a medic, with a goal to become a PA, inspired by a PA who made a strong impression on him during his training.

Fueled by a desire to become a leader in his organization and profession, Major Schneider decided to pursue a Doctor of Medical Science (DMSc) degree with SIU Medicine. He recognized that this advanced degree would provide him with the additional education and credentials to fulfill his aspirations. Major Schneider opted for the clinical track in the DMSc program, finding a direct correlation between his coursework and professional growth within his current workplace at in the University of Chicago Medical System. He currently works in Trauma Surgery helping to navigate the complexities of the U.S. healthcare system and advocating for the medical needs of patients from underserved regions of the Chicagoland area.

“The clinical practicum offered during the program refined my clinical and advocacy skills. It instilled confidence, enabling me to make a significant impact in my patients and my organization,” he mentions.

His dedication and commitment to his studies led him to assume various leadership positions, showcasing his exceptional contributions and capabilities. His expertise and dedication were acknowledged with his appointment as an Ad-Hoc member of the APP executive council within the University of Chicago Medical system. Major Schneider's DMSc education gave him valuable takeaways, including in-depth knowledge of laws, nuances of the healthcare system, and disaster response. These insights equipped him with a comprehensive understanding of the field and bolstered his confidence in advocacy work. He now actively engages in advocacy and legislative work as an IAPA legislative committee chair and a Delegate to the AAPA.

“These roles are a direct result of the knowledge and confidence I gained from the SIU DMSc program,” he states.

Image of Major Schneider with Deputy Governor Sol Flores

The clinical practicum offered during the program refined his clinical skills. It instilled confidence, enabling him to make a significant impact in his practice and organization.

Major Schneider's DMSc degree holds immense value, particularly in his military career, as it positions him ahead of his peers and offers a competitive advantage for promotions and leadership positions. His achievements as a graduate of the first DMSc cohort and expertise have already earned him recognition and set him apart from others.

In addition to his academic pursuits, he helped to co-author an article titled "Combating Fentanyl: National Guard Physician Assistants on the Front Lines of America's War Against Synthetic Opioids." This article, featured in the April-June 2023 Journal of the U.S. Army Medical Center of Excellence, addresses the significant threat of synthetic opioids and the role of Physician Assistants in tackling this crisis. Major Schneider's research from his time in the DMSc program contributed to the article, which aims to educate first receivers, first responders, and hospital providers about fentanyl and synthetic opioids.

Major Matthew Schneider, DMSc,Image of Major Schneider, DMSc, PA-C with Senator GiAnn Gillespie PA-C, exemplifies excellence, leadership, and perseverance. His remarkable journey from a dedicated medic to a highly accomplished Physician Assistant inspires and motivates others. Major Schneider's commitment to serving others, coupled with his pursuit of advanced education, has propelled him to the forefront of his field. As he continues to shape the future of healthcare and contribute to combating the opioid crisis and advocating for the needs of others, Major Matthew Schneider's achievements are worth celebrating, and his impact will be felt for years to come.

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