Dr. Premkumar Awarded Research Seed Grant

Research Seed Grants for Fall 2019 have been awarded for these projects. Congratulations to: Louis Premkumar, PhD , Pharmacology - Proprietary Cream Formulation of Resiniferatoxin to Treat Burn Pain

Caspary Lab Celebrating 40 Years of NIH Funding

Congratulations to Professor Don Caspary, PhD, one of SIU's renowned auditory research scientists. August 1, 2019, marked the 40th anniversary of the National Institute of Health's grant award for

Pharmacology Memorial Awards Ceremony 2019

Dr. Satu Somani was one of the three original faculty members of the SIU School of Medicine Department of Pharmacology and a dedicated scientist/educator. He loved teaching, often asking for more time

Outstanding Scholar Award Presented to Dr. Vickram Ramkumar

Vickram Ramkumar Ph.D., Professor of Pharmacology, was awarded the Outstanding Scholar Award at the College Level of Southern Illinois University in 2019. Dr. Ramkumar joins the ranks of several other

2019 Pharmacology Awards

The School of Medicine's annual Pharmacology Awards were presented May 16 in the Pearson Museum, honoring a trio of scientists for excellence in academics, research and leadership in the lab. Dr. Satu

29th Annual Trainee Research Symposium

On April 26, 2019 graduate and medical students from SIU-SOM traveled to SIU Carbondale to participate in the 29th Annual Trainee Research Symposium. Asmita Dhukhwa (Pharmacology), a graduate student

Harvard Park Day @ SIU

On April 25 and 26, 3rd and 5th graders from Harvard Park Elementary School visited SIU and spent a wonderful “Harvard Park Day @ SIU”. They learned about oral health, brain functions, bone connection

Brain Awareness Day at Franklin MS

Faculty and students from the Department of Pharmacology presented Brain Awareness Day at Franklin Middle School on March 12. The Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives and SIU HEAL Scholarship supported

Study of Green Tea Extract May Yield Key to Hearing Protection for Cancer Patients

SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS: If you could take a drug that would help cure your cancer, but it would make you go deaf, would you still take the drug? Cisplatin is a widely used anticancer drug that