Cox lab

SIU scientist receives DOD grant to advance hearing loss treatments

The U.S. Department of Defense has awarded a $1.5 million grant to SIU Medicine scientist Brandon Cox, PhD, to test compounds that are predicted to stimulate regeneration of hair cells used for hearing. The process could illuminate a path to restore human hearing loss.
Badger in lab

SIU medical student working with NIH scientists in Washington

Third-year medical student Taylor Badger has embarked upon a unique learning opportunity that adds a year of intensive research experience to her medical school curriculum at Southern Illinois
DNA strands

Simmons Cancer Institute cross-dept. team publishes endometrial cancer study findings

A team of SIU medical research scientists recently had their cancer study results published in a special issue of the international, peer-reviewed, open access journal Life.

Busy biochemistry lab is mapping virus

A biochemistry laboratory at SIU School of Medicine is sequencing the genomes of SARS-CoV-2 viruses that cause COVID-19 to determine if distinct variants exist in different Illinois communities and