Division of Orthopedic Surgery Recieves Robert Bucholz Journal Club Grant

The Division of Orthopedic Surgery has been awarded the 2020-2021 Robert Bucholz Journal Club Grant from the Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery (JBJS) Resident Education Fund. The application was

2020 Department of Surgery Teaching Awards Announced

Congratulations, 2020 Department of Surgery Teaching Award Recipients! Teaching awards are given every year and are granted based on a review of all evaluations of residents and faculty by medical

Hand surgery research grant awarded to plastic surgery, orthopedic divisions

The Division of Orthopedic Surgery and Institute for Plastic Surgery have been awarded the J. Leonard Goldner Pioneer Research Award for their grant proposal: “LGR+ Stem Cells Augment Osteogenesis on

Department of Surgery Annual Teaching Awards 2019

The SIU School of Medicine Department of Surgery Annual Teaching Awards were presented on August 8, 2019. The awards are held to recognize the entire Department of Surgery faculty and are from General

36th Annual Shannon Stauffer, MD, Orthopedic Conference

The 36th Annual Shannon Stauffer, MD Orthopedic Conference was held at the Memorial Center for Learning and Innovation on May 31. It featured Visiting Professor Dr. Allan E. Gross, Division of