Translational and Discovery Science Research

Translational and Discovery Science Research

Andrea Braundmeier-Fleming, PhD, is a reproductive immunologist focused on women's health, most notably, the role the microbiome plays in preterm birth, endometriosis, ovarian cancer, and endometrial cancer.  She is collaborating with Drs. Brard and Loret de Mola and our OB-GYN generalist providers to identify microbial communities that influence the immune system in a way that may cause inflammation and trigger a disease state or preterm labor.

Laurent Brard, MD, PhD, is a gynecologic oncologist who directs clinical, translational, and discovery science investigations and research projects involving cancer disparities.  His discovery/basic science laboratory focuses on establishing the cellular mechanisms to potentially repurpose FDA approved drugs to be used in combination with chemotherapy agents.  Combination therapy is expected to improve cancer treatment outcomes and reduce treatment related side effects.  His translational research investigations include a clinical trial for women in remission from ovarian cancer who consume daily doses of ground flaxseed in order to potentially prolong remission. (Learn More)

Dr. Dale Buck Hales and Karen Hales have been studying ovarian cancer using an animal model, the egg laying hen, for over 10 years.  Egg laying hens are an excellent model for studying ovarian cancer because most hens spontaneously develop the disease within their lifetime.  Dr. D. Buck Hales has found that adding flaxseed to the hen diet can significantly reduce the severity and incidence of ovarian cancer in hens.  This is the rationale for the flaxseed human trial that is ongoing in the Department of OB-GYN with Dr. Laurent Brard.

Karen Hales, PhD, more recent investigations have revealed how flaxseed causes apoptosis in ovarian tumors and this effect is both correlated to 2-methoxyestradiol levels and can be mimicked in vitro in ovarian cancer cells.

Kanako Hayashi, PhD, has dedicated her research efforts to understanding the mechanisms of female reproductive disorders.  Her latest efforts in the mouse model involve repurposing niclosamide, an FDA approved drug used for the treatment of tapeworms, as a potential nonsteroidal therapy for women suffering from endometriosis. She is collaborating with Drs. Loret de Mola and Braundmeier-Fleming in these translational research investigations.

J Ricardo Loret de Mola, MD, is collaborating with Drs. Hayashi and Braundmeier-Fleming to develop new diagnostic mechanisms and potential treatments for endometriosis.

Donald Torry, PhD, is investigating the novel angiogenic growth factor, placenta growth factor, and its receptor as potential regulators of trophoblast function and vascularity during pregnancy.