Elective Type:  Intensive Clinical (ICE) (e.g., Subinternship)

An Intensive Clinical Elective course is one in which the focus is on an indepth clinical experience with patients with undifferentiated problems and includes an expectation that students will function with increased responsibility for patient care.  It is also expected that the SIU faculty member will remain the same during the entire 4-week experience.  The following criteria have been identified for Intensive Clinical Electives:

Decision Making:  Students must function in a clinical setting where they engage in decisions regarding clinical diagnosis and management of patients with undifferentiated problems.

Patient Care Responsibilities:  Students must function with increased responsibility for patient care (on the order of a Subinternship).  Examples of such responsibilities include (but are not limited to) conducting comprehensive patient evaluations, formulating diagnoses, developing an implementing treatment plans, taking overnight call, etc.

Faculty Supervision:  A SIU faculty member who has overall responsibility for the elective over the entire course of the 4-week experience must provide oversight of teaching and student evaluation.  Supervision must remain intensive, but must also allow students to work through the decision-making process with regard to patient evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment.  Students should have sufficient direct faculty supervisory contact (i.e., students have the opportunity to interact with faculty in the same manner as an intern). 

DESCRIPTION OF COURSE ACTIVITIES AND LOGISTICS: Please provide a concise but complete description of the course activities and experiences in which students will engage during this elective course. Include performance expectations and any necessary logistical details.
List the patient care activities in which student will be engaged during this elective (H&P’s, Progress Notes, Patient Rounds, Participation in Procedures, etc.):
What percentage of the total elective experience will these activities constitute?
Student Level
Is this course appropriate for Year Three students if prerequisites listed below are met?
Please list the specific and attainable learning objectives designed for this elective.
Please describe the method(s) by which you will determine that the student has achieved the course objectives (observation, oral exam, written exam, case presentation, oral presentation, written essay, discussion with faculty, etc.).
Successful completion of all third-year clerkships.
Notification Requirement
Most faculty ask students to make contact in advance of the course start date. This is a good safety net for faculty and students to ensure everyone is prepared for the elective experience. Please indicate how far in advance you would prefer that students contact you or your designee.
Other than responsible faculty
Examples:  1 Min, 1 Max, No Visiting Students
SCHEDULE: Please specify the LENGTH of the elective, and whether it is FULL-TIME or HALF-TIME. Half-time electives are offered mornings only or afternoons only. EXTENDED ELECTIVES are offered on Thursday afternoons only, in 5-week blocks (maximum of 6 blocks or 30 weeks). Unless specified to the contrary in the catalog description, all students taking electives in Springfield are released from regular elective activities on THURSDAY AFTERNOONS if they are enrolled in an Extended Elective Course. Mark all of the following that apply:
(Note: If course is offered as a 2-week or 4- week option, students requesting 4-week rotations will be scheduled first. Thereafter any openings that remain will be made available to those students requesting 2-week rotations.)
Computer Training
This course will require computer training