
Students are expected to participate in all activities of the third year.

3.1  Regarding Illness/Bereavement/Emergency Absences

  • Students are required to contact their Core Clerkship or PEP Director or his/her designee directly and or abide by the arranged method of contact set by the clerkship rotation.  

3.2  Regarding Medical Appointments

  • Students will be excused from third year activities to seek needed medical care after notification and approval of the Core Clerkship or PEP Director or his/her designee. Advanced notice is preferred and should be directed to the appropriate Clerkship Director as soon as possible.

3.3  Regarding Religious Holidays

  • Students may ask to be excused from third year activities for religious holidays after notification and approval of the Core Clerkship or PEP Director or his/her designee. Absence requests should be directed to the appropriate director for consideration no later than four weeks prior to the start of the rotation.  
  • Absence For Observation Of Religious Holidays

3.4  Regarding Other Non-Emergency Absences

  • Students are expected to participate in all activities of the clerkship.  Absence requests of a non- emergency nature should be directed to the appropriate Core Clerkship Director or PEP Director for consideration no later than four weeks prior to the start of the rotation.   The Clerkship Director will determine how the student will make up missed curricular time.  All absences will be submitted centrally through the “Time Off” request form.  Students are asked to complete the “Time Off” request form to make their formal request with submission to the selected departmental director of which they seeking to be excused from in  either the Core or PEP. All absences will be reported to and monitored by the Office of Student Affairs and the Year Three Director. Students with multiple absences will be discussed at the Year 3 Student Progress Subcommittee (Y3 SPS). The Y3 SPS will make recommendations regarding student support actions and remediation for those with multiple absences that will be sent to the SIU School of Medicine Student Progress Committee as needed.


Approved: 10/28/2013
Revised: 6/2016