Pediatric Clerkship Program

Clerkship Overview:

Our 4-week clerkship is a combination of inpatient, general practice and subspecialty experiences. We assign each student to a small team of physicians who assess student performance and provide feedback.  Each student has an average of 30 half-day clinics over the course of the 4 weeks.  Some schedules require students to round on their patients on weekends or nights.  All schedules are set up based on physician clinical schedules.

Clerkship Schedule Example:

Week Date Physician
Week 1  Jan. 30 - Monday AM Orientation
  Jan. 30 - Monday PM Orientation
  Jan. 31 - Tuesday AM Caprirolo
  Jan. 31 - Tuesday PM Caprirolo
  Feb. 1 - Wednesday AM Caprirolo
  Feb 1. - Wednesday PM Caprirolo
  Feb. 2 - Thursday AM Caprirolo
  Feb. 2 - Thursday PM Caprirolo
  Feb. 3 - Friday AM Caprirolo
  Feb. 3 - Friday PM Caprirolo
  Feb. 4 - Saturday   
  Feb. 5 - Sunday  

Pediatric Clerkship Goals:

Enhance clinical reasoning

Develop relationships with patients and families

CCX Exam Details:

There will be no mannequins used during the encounter and we also cannot standardized children under the age of 16.  There will be a case where you will obtain history from a mother/grandmother (where it is presumed the child is with the nurse) where you will gather a history and receive a physical exam card (not the typical hidden card).  Also, remember another scenario could be an adolescent accompanied by a parent.  You have 2 cases where you will have 20 minutes with the SP and 60 minutes to complete the exam writing a DXJ for both.   I have attached information regarding incorporating Teach-Back in your encounter (also available on D2L).  I have also provided the instructions below for the Keller practice CCX case in case you would like to go through the CCX program to refresh your memory from Year 2.  As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 

3 Year Curriculum Goals and Information
Learning Resources on Desire 2 Learn website (For SIU Students Only)
Visiting Student Information