Arden Caffrey - Health Policy Specialist





Arden Caffrey, BS

Health Policy Specialist

Office of Population Science and Policy





Primary Responsibilities

My primary responsibility for the Office of Population Science and Policy is to assist in policy analysis and research aimed at improving health outcomes in central and southern Illinois.


After graduating from Carleton College with a Bachelor of Science in Biology in 2013, I joined the Peace Corps.  During my service I spent two years teaching physics in Mozambique.  Upon returning from Mozambique in 2015, I became a Peace Corps Fellow (PCF) at Western Illinois University studying public health. As a part of the PCF program, I served an 11 month internship as an AmeriCorps member in the Office of Population Science and Policy.  After completion of the fellowship, I stayed in OPSP as a Health Policy Specialist.

My interests include improving community outreach and participation in health research and policy development to allow for more sustainable, appropriate, and community led solutions to health challenges.