Audrey Soglin

Audrey Soglin is the Executive Director of the Illinois Education Association (IEA). She taught in Evanston, Illinois for 25 years. Ms. Soglin started her career teaching self contained special education students and after eight years, moved to regular education where she taught kindergarten, first, second, fourth and fifth grades.

Prior to becoming the Executive Director of the Illinois Education Association, Audrey was the Director of the Center for Education Innovation for IEA and the Executive Director of the Consortium for Educational Change.

As Executive Director of the IEA, Ms. Soglin is responsible for the day to day operations and strategic direction of the 135,000 member association.  She is also president of the newly formed Partnership for Resilience.  The Partnership for Resilience works to transform and integrate education, health care and community organizations to create a trauma-informed, family-focused system that measurably improves academic, health, and social outcomes for children.