MD/MPH Required Course Work

*Courses may change without notice. Contact Carol Coniglio with any questions about course availability.

PH599A - MPH Applied Practical Experience (APE) Seminar              
The purpose of the MPH Applied Practice Experience Seminar is to prepare students for their applied practice experience and for a future as a public health professional. This seminar serves as one of the prerequisites for enrolling in the MPH Applied Practical Experience (PH 599B). Through this semester, students will prepare the components of the applied practice experience learning agreement. This seminar provides students with useful skills needed to complete an applied practice experience and to work in a public health or community setting. Students will have a specific topic, project(s) and/or site in mind prior to taking this course, which is typically taken in the second semester of Year 1.

PH599B - MPH Applied Practical Experience (APE)          
Master of Public Health (MPH) students will demonstrate competency attainment through applied practice experiences. All MPH students are required to complete a 240-hour experience with a community-based component. The Applied Practice Experience (APE) provides a practical experience in a public health setting where students apply skills and knowledge they gained during didactic courses to attain at least five competencies. Dual degree students have opportunities to integrate and apply their learning from both degree programs through applied practice experiences. Students meet the APE requirements by supporting the Program's mission.

PH599C - MPH Integrative Learning Experience                
During the final semester(s) of study, students are required to complete an integrative learning experience (ILE) that demonstrates synthesis of foundational and program competencies. ILEs require two products: 1) a high-quality written product and 2) a presentation on the ILE.

Clinical Epidemiology (15453)
This course will include didactic presentations and clinical epidemiology problem sets to provide students with a well-rounded set of activities designed to present the fundamentals of clinical epidemiology. Topics include: introduction to epidemiology; basic measures and disease occurrence; medical surveillance, disease outbreaks and role of the physician in epidemic detection and response; testing and screening technologies; clinical trials; epidemiological study designs; and genetics. From this course, the student will gain a working knowledge of epidemiological principles, how they are used to study populations for questions of clinical significance, and how these principles may be applied to patient care.

Emerging Trends in Public Health (15543)
This course is designed to be an overview of the more recent trends in public health practice and research. There will be a combination of selected in-depth readings and discussion on 3-5 specific topics during the week. Discussions will complement the readings by providing more depth and background and allowing the exploration of potential solutions, whether at the individual physician or national policy level. Potential topics include obesity and chronic disease care and management; terrorism preparedness and response; infectious and foodborne disease outbreak response; vaccination strategies, needs and policies; racial and other minority health disparities; environmental determinants of health; social and cultural determinants of health; health promotion versus health mandates. Readings and discussions will be complemented by the student performing a more in-depth review of a topic and developing a proposed intervention. This will be presented to the elective faculty and students.

Population Health Leadership
This course is designed to be an overview of the opportunities and challenges associated with leadership in the field of population health. Students will become familiar with the workings of national and global agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), the Public Health Service (PHS), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the United Nations (UN). The role of physicians in these and other agencies will be explored, as well as the more general/specific roles of health officers, epidemiologists, health scientists, health experts, advocacy champions, and program administrators.