
ruralAdapt logo, advancing drug use research, promoting health


This group is organized for the express purpose of developing and pursuing a collaborative and complementary program of research exploring health risk and interventions among rural people who use drugs (PWUD). This program is rooted in the principle that PWUD are experts in their lives and active agents in achieving their health goals. In partnership with local stakeholders, community agencies and PWUD, we work to develop, adapt and implement evidence-based practices to promote the health and wellbeing of rural PWUD.

Background + Goals

The Department’s work with people who use drugs began in August 2017 with the initial ETHIC research project. Our current goals include the following:

-Develop equitable access to health services for rural people who use drugs
-Develop collaboration with faculty across the SIU system to better meet the diverse needs of rural people who use drugs
-Identify and implement novel approaches to engaging rural people who use drugs in research, preventative care, mental health care, and harm reduction

Community Advisory Board

The community advisory board was established collaboratively with the Community Action Place, LLC and University of Chicago Medicine in 2018. Membership has fluctuated over time and we currently have seven sitting members who meet monthly. 

Current membership reflects a diversity of gender identity, age, and sexual orientation; we’re working to increase racial diversity among the members. This community advisory board has consistently provided feedback regarding needs of the community and provided essential input into all aspects of study design. In order to maintain the privacy of members, pseudonyms are used on this website.


Scott Fletcher Picture

Scott Fletcher, MPH, CHES 

Jonna J Cooley Headshot

Jonna J. Cooley, PhD, MA

i. CDC Foundation - Peer navigation to primary care in the context of a STI diagnosis

i. Rural Community-Centered Drug Misuse Prevention and Harm Reduction Research: Addressing Implementation, Dissemination, and Equity Challenges across the Continuum of Care (RCHC) 

ii. The Reducing HIV/HCV/STI and other Infectious Disease Transmission Behaviors and Risks Among Rural Bisexual Plus People Who Use Drugs (RuBi)

Currently in development. Please check back soon for updates. 

Currently in development. Please check back soon for updates. 


Community Engagement

In development. Please check back soon for updates.


i. Bolinski, RS., Walters, S., Salisbury-Afshar, E., Ouellet, LJ., Jenkins, WD., Almirol, E., Van Ham, B., Fletcher, S., Johnson, C., Schneider, JA., Ompad, DC, Pho, MT. (2022). The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Drug Use Behaviors, Fentanyl Exposure, and Harm Reduction Service Support among People Who Use Drugs in Rural Settings. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4):2230.

ii. Jenkins, WJ., Bolinski, R., Bresett, J., Van Ham, B., Fletcher, S., Walters, S., Friedman, SR., Ezell, JM., Pho, M., Schneider, J., & Ouellet, L. (2020). COVID-19 During the Opioid Epidemic – Exacerbation of Stigma and Vulnerabilities. Journal of Rural Health. 

iii. Bolinski, R., Ellis, K., Zahnd, W., Walters, S., McLuckie, C., Schneider, J., Rodriguez, C., Ezell, J., Friedman, S.R., Pho, M., & Jenkins, W.J. (2019). Social norms associated with nonmedical opioid use in rural communities: A Systematic review. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 9(6), 1224-1232.

Past Year
i. Ibragimov U, Livingston MD, Young AM, et al. Correlates of Recent HIV Testing Among People Who Inject Drugs in Rural Areas: A Multi-site Cross-Sectional Study, 2018-2020. AIDS Behav. 2024;28(1):59-71. doi:10.1007/s10461-023-04140-x.

ii. Ezell J, Parikh T, Ajayi B, Miller K, Rains A, Scales D. Drug use and AI: Weighing Concerns and Possibilities for Prevention. American Journal of Preventive Medicine,03 Dec 2023 [in press], doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2023.11.024.

iii. Ezell J, Rains A, Ajayi BP, Miller K, Augustine E, Goddard-Eckrich D, Kinnard E., Lofwall M. A Social History of Opioids’ Crimedical Cycle. Addiction Research & Theory, 02 Dec 2023 [in press], doi: 10.1080/16066359.2023.228258.

iv. Rains A, Augustine E, Miller K, Bresett J, Bolinski R, Thompson T, Nicholson W, Fletcher S, Jenkins WD, Pho MT, Ouellet LJ, Ezell JM. I don’t want to shoot up the meth anymore: pipe distribution as harm reduction service for people who use methamphetamine. Substance Use and Misuse, [under review-R&R].

v. Jenkins WD, Friedman SR, Hurt CB, et al. Variation in HIV Transmission Behaviors Among People Who Use Drugs in Rural US Communities. JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6(8):e2330225. Published 2023 Aug 1. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.30225.

For a full list of publications, click here.

i. Miller KW, Ezell J, Almirol E, Jenkins WD, Pho MT. Racial Disparities in Naloxone Access and Opioid Overdose Knowledge Among Rural People Who Use Drugs. [Oral Presentation]. The College on Problems of Drug Dependence Annual meeting. 2024 June 18.

ii. Overdose, Infectious Disease, and Harm Reduction in Southern Illinois” Southern Illinois Drug Awareness Conference, Carbondale, IL. March 13-14, 2024. Fletcher, S., Bolinski, RB., & Jenkins, WD.

iii. Miller KW, Fletcher S, West J, Pearson WS, Jenkins WD. Use of peer navigators to link rural people who use drugs and test for sexually transmitted infections to primary care—a pilot project [Poster]. American Public Health Association Annual meeting. 2023 November 16 

iv. Strategies Used to Avoid Fentanyl Exposure and Fatal Overdose Among Rural People Who Use Drugs: Multi-site Qualitative Findings from the Rural Opioid Initiative” College on Problems of Drug Dependence Conference, Denver, CO. June 17-21, 2023. Walters, S., Fadanelli, M., Rudolph, AE., Frederickson, R., Bolinski, RS., Baker, R., Pho, M., Seal, D., & Stopka, T. 

v. “The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Drug Use Behaviors, Fentanyl Exposure, and Harm Reduction Service Support among People Who Use Drugs in Rural Settings” Addiction Health Services Conference, Virtual. 2021. Bolinski, RS., Walters, S., Salisbury-Afshar, E., Ouellet, LJ., Jenkins, WD., Almirol, E., Van Ham, B., Fletcher, S., Johnson, C., Schneider, JA., Ompad, DC, Pho, MT.

vi. “Examining Existing Barriers to Public Health Interventions and Medical Services for Rural People who Use Drugs in the COVID-19 Era”. Addiction Health Services Conference, Virtual. 2020. Van Ham, B., Rosentel, K., Bolinski, RS., Walters, S., Ezell, JM., Bresset, J., & Pho, M. 

vii. “Attitudes of Local Governmental and Community Organizations Regarding Implementing Syringe Service Programs in Rural Southern Illinois”. Center for Disease Control (CDC) National HIV Prevention Conference, Atlanta, GA. March 18-21, 2019.

i. Jenkins WD, Choudhary V, Miller KW, Bolinski R, Dunkley C, Fogleman A, Velten L. Practices for better healthcare engagement for rural patients who use drugs. SIUSOM-PSP Policy Series. 2023 (2);11-20.

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