Photography - Portrait Considerations

Think of your SIU portrait as your official face for the university. As such, it will be used throughout the web site, in publications and distributed upon request.  Please allow 3-5 working days for availability. 

Portrait sessions will take approximately 15-20 minutes. You will be asked to select your preferred portrait at that time. See for examples 

The studio is located at 327 W. Calhoun, Room 261. 


  • Formal SIU portraits are photographed with the same blue/green background. Please keep the background color in mind when making a wardrobe selection.
  • Dark colors photograph well against the background and help draw more attention to the face. Avoid busy patterns.
  • Choose an outfit that is business professional – a suit or equivalent.
  • Physicians should bring their white coats in addition to dressing business professional so that a full-length white-coat portrait can also be taken. 
  • Wear long sleeves. Exposed skin at the bottom of the frame is distracting and takes the attention off of the subject’s face. Short sleeves also tends to look more casual.
  • Women should wear makeup but not more than an average day. Skin will be smoothed and retouched in the photograph. Too much makeup makes skin look discolored in the photograph.
  • If you have a preferred side to be photographed, please let me know and we can discuss.
  • If you usually wear glasses, it is recommended that you have your portrait taken with them on. 

 Group Portraits

Group portraits can be a challenge, but we will work together to come up with the best results. 

Various options are available for group and faculty pictures, including composite images made from small groups or individual images.

  • Groups should dress similarly. Pants, especially with white coats, should be of a similar color spectrum. All members should be of equal professional dress.
  • Please note that time constraints and minimal staff prohibit “Photoshopping” people into group photographs.
  • Please note in request: • Number of people • Group location• Your ideal portrait setting • Contact person 

To schedule a portrait or group portrait, contact Jason Johnson at 217-545-6419 or