Student Activities

A Welcome Reception is held in the Fall of odd years after new students arrive at the Springfield IL campus to begin the Pharmacology & Neuroscience Graduate Program.  This event allows the new students to meet and mingle with other graduate students and department faculty in a casual atmosphere. 

Each March Pharmacology & Neuroscience graduate students organize Brain Awareness Day at Franklin Middle School in Springfield. During Brain Awareness Day, students and research staff deliver a neuroscience presentation to educate 7th and 8th grade students on basic brain anatomy and physiology. The Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives supports this outreach event by providing interactive hand-outs, booklets and pencils. The Department of Pharmacology provides sheep brains to enhance the hands-on learning experience for the 8th grade students.

Pharmacology students visit Franklin Middle School

Brain Awareness Day 2022

Brain Awareness Day 2020


Brain Awareness Day 2011


Brain Awareness Day In Action


The Annual Trainee Research Symposium invites graduate students from all SIU-SOM departments to compete for prizes in both poster and oral presentation categories.  Students are evaluated based on the quality of the study, the potential scientific or medical significance of the project, the quality of the abstract, poster or oral presentation, and the ability to answer questions about the project.   This event is usually held in April and rotates between the SIU-SOM campus in Springfield IL and the SIU campus in Carbondale IL.


A Holiday Potluck is held each December prior to the holiday break.  The Pharmacology and Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Cell Biology (MMICB) departments come together to celebrate the season.  Everyone is encouraged to bring their favorite dishes to share.  A variety of international and ethnic dishes provided by our diverse faculty, students and staff are enjoyed by all.