Research Scholars Program Travel Grant

RSP Travel Grant - Research Scholars Fund - SIU Foundation

To facilitate medical students across all departments at SIU School of Medicine (SOM) to present their research efforts at external scientific and/or clinical symposia, the office of Associate Dean for Research has established an Research Scholar Fund through SIU Foundation. These funds can be used for reimbursement to help offset travel expenses incurred by the student to attend the meeting. Complete the form here


  • Full time medical students officially accepted and in good standing in the SOM Research Scholars Pathway
  • Students eligible for travel funds MUST be first (presenting) author on an officially ACCEPTED abstract at a national or regional scientific meeting
  • A student is only eligible to receive travel reimbursement for a maximum of $500 within a given fiscal year (July 1 – June 30)
  • Only one student is eligible to receive travel reimbursement funds for an accepted abstract presentation at a meeting
  • Decisions on allocation of funds will lie with the Research Scholars Pathway executive committee in consultation with the Associate Dean for Research at the School of Medicine (the fund is formally an ADR foundation account). Preference for funding will be given to those meritorious projects not already selected for travel support in the current fiscal year‌

Application and funding aspects:

  • The maximum travel reimbursement is $500 from the Research Scholars Fund
  • It is expected that departments, divisions, and PIs match or exceed this amount for support
  • Approval of funds up to $500 must be secured before travel occurs
  • Students should submit requests to the Research Scholars Program executive committee as soon as they receive official acceptance for presentation at the conference. Submission of requests for funding less than ~3 weeks prior to the conference may not be approved
  • Requests for reimbursement after the presentation date will not be considered
  • The funds are for reimbursement of appropriate travel expenses; receipts are required for reimbursement. Typically, such costs as airfare, lodging, and meeting registration are allowed. Students must work with their mentor’s department/division fiscal administration for restrictions on eligible reimbursement items
  • The Mentor’s department will process the reimbursement for actual expenses, up to a maximum of $500 per student per fiscal year, from the Research Scholars Fund. Reimbursement will be to the department budget purpose account in accordance with the current SIU SOM travel policies