Welcome from Women in Medicine


A warm welcome from our Department of Medicine’s Women in Medicine Group.  What started as an informal gathering in January of 2015, gradually morphed into a robust, vital organization that contributes meaningfully to the SIU School of Medicine and to the community.  Our mission is to provide a supportive forum to promote meaningful discussion and positive change in the realms of work-life balance, gender equity, career advancement and community service.

Activities include:

  1. Department-wide seminars to discuss key topics surrounding challenges that face women in medicine.
  2. Community service projects.
  3. Collaboration and mentorship programs with our sister groups at SIU School of Medicine, AMWA (American Medical Women’s Association) and SNMA (Student National Medical Association).
  4. Quarterly social activities including Ladies Night!
  5. Newsletter highlighting important articles, community service events, and written work from faculty and residents.

Please browse through our newsletters and photos to see for yourself all of the incredible work our group has been involved in and all of the fun we have!  Below you will see the members of our executive committee.  For more information on how to become more involved with this amazing group, contact Vidhya Prakash at vprakash59@siumed.edu.


Vidhya Prakash, MD, FACP

Chair, SIU Department of Medicine’s Women in Medicine Group