Testing For Civil Service Vacancies: Frequently Asked Questions

What score do I need to achieve in order to pass the exam and be placed on the active register?

A minimum score of 70 is needed to pass any examination. 

I am a military veteran. Can I receive additional points on my exam?

If you are a veteran and can supply the Office of Human Resources with a copy of your DD214, DD215 or NGB22 form or other appropriate documentation that shows your branch of service, dates of service and character of discharge, you may be eligible for additional points. Veteran's preference points are only added to passing exam scores.

When and how will I be notified regarding the results of the examination?

Examination results will be sent to the email address associated with your online applicant account. If you do not receive your examination results within 2 weeks of testing, please contact 217-545-0223 or email hrrecruitment@siumed.edu to inquire about your test.

Can I get an explanation of my exam score?

Yes, you may contact the Office of Human Resources to inquire about the breakdown of your exam score. If the exam is comprised of various components, we should be able to tell you how you scored based on each of these components. However you will not be able to see your scored examination.

Can I retake an exam?

Yes, you are allowed three rewrites per twelve-month period following completion of the original exam. Thirty calendar days must have elapsed between rewrites.

Which positions are on open and continuous testing?

Go to http://siumed.hiretouch.com, click on  "Jobs" and select the category in which you are interested.  If there are positions on open and continuous testing within that cateogyr, they will be listed under an "Ongoing" header near the bottom. You may apply to these positions without having to wait for a posted vacancy.

I received an emial stating that my name was removed from the register.  Can I be reinstated?

If you are removed from the employment register due to failure to respond to an interviewing notice of interest request, you may request in writing to be reinstated to the register within one year of the removal date.  The request should be emailed directly to the Office of Human Resources hrrecruitment@siumed.edu.