Kathy Robinson, PhD

Associate Professor
Center for Clinical Research

    About me

    Kathy Robinson has been involved with medical research for more than 20 years. Throughout that time, she has collaborated with many excellent clinicians and discovery science researchers to secure grants and move new cardiovascular and cancer treatments forward. 

    She enjoys meeting patients and is grateful for all of those who enroll in a clinical trial. Through these trials the research department learns so much from those who are willing to enroll. These clinical trials can lead to newly developed treatments. Robinson finds each patient is unique and brings a fresh perspective to studies. She looks forward to a continued collaboration with the faculty of SIU School of Medicine.



    Education & training

    Doctorate Degree
    Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
    Undergraduate Degree
    BS, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL
    Research Fellowship, Prairie Education and Research Cooperative, Springfield, IL