J. Roland Folse, MD, Surgical Skills Center


Welcome to the J. Roland Folse, MD, Surgical Skills Center of SIU Medicine. Proudly partnering with the Memorial Learning Center in Springfield, Illinois, our faculty and staff have revolutionized surgical training and set a new standard for surgical residency.

Our learners have access to computer simulators, robotic instruments, virtual reality, and other technologies that help them advance their skills. Our medical educators regularly update our nationally-recognized curriculum to ensure our residents enter the workforce with the knowledge and skill set that keep them on the leading edge of surgical innovation.

Surgical knot tying demonstrated by Skills Lab Director
Remote video URL

Research at SIU Medicine

"The way we teach our medical students and resident physicians is what SIU Medicine is all about. From that trickles down so much more that leads to great patient care to further research to improving the future of medicine.",  M. Neumeister, MD