Call For Nominations SIU School of Medicine Alumni Society Board of Governors

The SIU SOM Alumni Society Board of Governors is composed of 20 alumni members and represents the interest of all alumni in matters relating to the School of Medicine. Newly elected board members are seated at the spring meeting and serve a three-year term. Two regularly scheduled Board meetings are held per year in Springfield. Among the board’s specific responsibilities are to serve as ambassadors for the SOM, support wellness and advocacy activities, direct the Distinguished Alumni program and the Student Resource Fund, provide guidance to the SIU Foundation in matters relating to SOM alumni fundraising, and to partner with the SOM in promoting the welfare of the SOM on a state and national level. The general management of programs and policies of the Alumni Society is vested in the Board of Governors.

I nominate the following SIU School of Medicine Alumni for the Alumni Society Board of Governors: