BMS Curriculum Options



BMS is a 30-credit coursework-only master's degree  that provides rigorous preparation for medical, dental or PA school aspirants. Students will work with their advisor to select a program that best suits their needs. The sample curricula shown below are examples only an can be tailored for each student.

Required Courses: Students entering under 2024-2025 Catalog

  • BMS 505A Orientation Seminar (1 cr.)
  • BMS 506A Scientific Application I (2 cr.)
  • MBMB 550A and MBMB 550B (Biochemistry I and II) 2-semester sequence (6 cr. total)
  • Human or mammalian physiology (400 or 500 level), 3 cr. 
  • Human anatomy (400 or 500 level), 3 cr.
  • Statistics (400 or 500 level), 1 cr. 
  • Elective courses to meet 21 graded credits minimum in BMS coursework or biological science content areas, 15 credit 500-level course minimum, and graduate school 30 credit minimum for the degree.

Example Curriculum - Two Semester Sequence

 Two semester sequence example I - most test prep

Fall Semester

Spring Semester

BMS 505A (Seminar/Application Prep) [1] 

BMS 501A (Scientific Apps/Test Prep) [2] 

MBMB 550A (Biochemistry I) [3]

PHSL 511A (Mammalian Physiol. I) [4]

PHSL 401A (Gross Anatomy I) [5]


BMS 500B (Seminar/Application Prep) [1]

BMS 501B (Scientific Apps/Test Prep) [2] 

MBMB (Biochemistry II) [3]

QUAN 402 (Statistics) [3]

PHSL 511B (Mammalian Physiol. II) [4] 

PHSL 503 Embryology [3]


15 credits 

16 credits 
Two semester sequence example II - no test prep

Fall Semester

Spring Semester

BMS 500A (Seminar/Application Prep) [1] 

BMS 501A (Scientific Applications) [2] 

MBMB 550A (Biochemistry I) [3]

PHSL 511A (Mammalian Physio I) [4]

QUAN 402 (Statistics) [3]

Biology Elective Course for 3 credits (e.g. Neuroanatomy or pharmacology)

MBMB (Biochemistry II) [3]

PHSL 511B (Mammalian Physio B) [4] 

Biology Elective Courses (7-9 credits) (e.g. embryology, pharmacology, or medical microbiology)


16 credits 

 14-16 credits
Three or Four semester sequence - use for anatomy teaching certificate, decompressed schedule, or prerequisite completion. 
  • Please note full-time enrollment for graduate students is 9 credit-hours per semester. Taking fewer hours may impact financial aid eligibility. 

Fall Semester 1

Spring Semester 1

BMS 500A (Seminar/Application Prep) [1] 

BMS 501A (Scientific Apps/Test Prep) [2] credits

MBMB 550A (Biochemistry I) [3]

PHSL 511A (Mammalian) or QUAN 402 (Statistics) [3-4]

OR other biology electives or take undergraduate prerequisites if needed

BMS 500B (Seminar/Application Prep) [1]

BMS 501B (Scientific Apps/Test Prep) [2]

MBMB (Biochemistry II) 3 credits

PHSL 511B (Mammalian) or QUAN 402 (Statistics) or other biology elective [3-5]

OR take undergraduate prerequisites if needed

6-15 credits; some may be UG credits

6-15 credits; some may be UG credits

Fall Semester 2

Spring Semester 2

PHSL 511A (Mammalian Physio I) [4]

PHSL 502 (Neuroanatomy) [4]

PHSL 401A (Gross Anatomy I) [5]

PHSL 420A (Pharmacology) [3]

OR other elective courses as needed for prerequisites, anatomy teaching certificate, etc. 



PHSL 511B (Mammalian Physio II) [4] credits

PHSL 503 (Embryology) [4] 

PHSL 401B (Gross Anatomy I) [5] 

PHSL 420B (Pharmacology) [3]

OR other elective courses as needed for prerequisites, anatomy teaching certificate, etc.



6-15 credits 

6-15 credits