Cooking with SIU Culinary Medicine

Nutrition is important, especially for those with memory loss.

Eating right can be a challenge. There's the hurdle of knowing what we should eat, and then another hurdle of incorporating that into nutritious meals and snacks. This cooking class uses the expertise of SIU Culinary Medicine, as they use food that's part of the MIND Diet and show participants how to make healthy choices.

Following a recipe chosen for that session, class participants follow directions and make the meal with help from SIU Culinary Medicine. Caregivers and persons with memory loss work together, finding the role best suited for them. Participants can taste a portion of each of the three options from that class and take home directions of how to make it at home. They'll also learn how certain foods are important and how to balance their diet.

Who can participate?

Persons with memory loss are referred to the cooking class through the Smith Alzheimer's Center at SIU Medicine. Caregivers are welcome to attend and participate alongside their loved one.

When & where?

The program takes place at the Memorial Wellness Center. Class takes place monthly, but space is limited — email to learn more.

No cost to participate

The cooking class is offered without cost to participants. All cooking materials and food will be available at the program.

For more information, contact:



Want an idea of what you may be cooking up in the kitchen? See below for some of our recipes: