January 2019 Employee of the Month: Laura Tomlin

The Employee of the Month for January 2019 is Laura Tomlin, a healthcare technician in the Department of Surgery. Her nominator said: “Laura goes above and beyond every day in her job. She constantly checks the providers’ schedules and anticipates conflicts, trying to remedy them before they happen. She has gained our patients’ trust after being the face of the adult hearing aid center for six years, and they are relieved when they find she is still here to help them at the new location on Bond Street. She can run circles around anyone else, but does so in a way that helps and supports. She is accurate in her work and a much needed set of eyes on our schedules and tasks.”

Laura answered some questions for our profile.

​1.  What’s your job title?  Audiology Healthcare Technician

2.  How long have you worked at the School?  9½ years

3.  What do you like best about your job?   Without a doubt, my extended work family and the patients.  Being in Audiology for close to 9 years, I have found a lot of gratification helping and getting to know the patients personally throughout the years.

4. I highly recommend …  Staying true to yourself, yet always being open to learn. 

5. I was born and raised in …  New Berlin, Pretzel Pride.

6. My family includes … My husband, Shane, and my two beautiful daughters Avery and Presley.

7. My interests/hobbies are … Spending time with my family, gardening and listening to live music.

8. The most interesting / unusual job I’ve held was …  a podiatry assistant.

9.  My favorite thing to do away from work is …  being a mommy.  Making as many memories as I can with my littles.  On a bad day, all it takes is a hug from my children to make everything better.

10. The last good show I saw was …  The Wizard of Oz at UIS.

11.  Winter is …  A perfect time for snuggling, baking and purging the house.

12.  Describe yourself in three words.  Empathetic, Silly, Compassionate

13. I like people who … Have a sense of humor, have a sense of their own individuality, and aren’t afraid to be imperfect and awkward.  Those are the people that keep things interesting, fun and typically aren’t afraid to share their inventive ideas. 

14. I will binge-watch…  Live PD. I am obsessed.  

15. A favorite book is …  The Glass Castle

16. A favorite flavor of ice cream is…  Baskin-Robbins Pralines and Cream

17. My favorite breakfast cereal is…  I’m still a kid at heart, Cap’n Crunch.

18. My favorite food is…  I could survive solely off Mexican food.

19. If I had the time, I would like to learn …  I would love to learn how to play the guitar. 

20. I enjoy listening to …  Ed Sheeran and Dave Matthews- “The future is no place to place your better days.” 

21. A dream vacation is …  I would love to visit the volcanos, hot springs, beaches, and rainforests in Costa Rica. 

22. Something others may not know about me is …   I became a licensed Massage Therapist in 2009.