General Results

A Mouthful of Peanut Butter

Peanut butter and bananas aren’t the usual therapy tools for patients with cochlear implants. But for 4-year-old David Heady, they whet his appetite to listen. . . and speak. Aspects Volume 39 No. 3 Written by Rebecca Budde • Photography by Jason Johnson Caroline Montgomery holds up two bananas and David’s face lights up with a wide smile. He clearly likes bananas. "Do you like to eat bananas plain or with peanut butter?" asks Montgomery. While most children David’s age would respond with a quick shout, "peanut butter!" David politely articulates, "I like to eat bananas with peanut butter."
General Results

A Mouthful of Peanut Butter

Peanut butter and bananas aren’t the usual therapy tools for patients with cochlear implants. But for 4-year-old David Heady, they whet his appetite to listen. . . and speak. Aspects Volume 39 No. 3 Written by Rebecca Budde • Photography by Jason Johnson Caroline Montgomery holds up two bananas and David’s face lights up with a wide smile. He clearly likes bananas. "Do you like to eat bananas plain or with peanut butter?" asks Montgomery. While most children David’s age would respond with a quick shout, "peanut butter!" David politely articulates, "I like to eat bananas with peanut butter."
General Results

Powerhouse of Care

SIU Family and Community Medicine builds new walls, breaks old barriers
General Results

Powerhouse of Care

SIU Family and Community Medicine builds new walls, breaks old barriers
General Results

Big Wins Coming

Dr. Tracey Smith finds happiness in teaching others how to be healthy Aspects Volume 39 No. 2 Written by Rebecca Budde • Photography by Jason Johnson NEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP It’s hard to be unhappy sitting in Tracey Smith’s office at SIU’s Center for Family and Community Medicine. Her walls, window sills, shelves and desk display a sea of brightly colored plaques, mugs and picture frames bearing inspirational thoughts and stories. The canvas displaying the message above is the most prominent in the room, just as its meaning is in Tracey’s life. “So many things that we’re doing at SIU would
General Results

Big Wins Coming

Dr. Tracey Smith finds happiness in teaching others how to be healthy Aspects Volume 39 No. 2 Written by Rebecca Budde • Photography by Jason Johnson NEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP It’s hard to be unhappy sitting in Tracey Smith’s office at SIU’s Center for Family and Community Medicine. Her walls, window sills, shelves and desk display a sea of brightly colored plaques, mugs and picture frames bearing inspirational thoughts and stories. The canvas displaying the message above is the most prominent in the room, just as its meaning is in Tracey’s life. “So many things that we’re doing at SIU would
General Results

Trust Building

Access to Care collaborative keeps Enos Park residents from falling through the health care cracks Written by Steve Sandstrom • Photography by Jason Johnson • Published in Aspects Magazine, 39-2 Spring 2016 "Today’s kind of a spur-of-the-moment day," says Shelly Weatherholt as she pilots her car down Eighth Street in Springfield. Weatherholt has a lot of spur-of-the-moment days. Shelly Weatherholt and Shirley Thompson are the new community health workers currently tasked with improving the health and living conditions of residents in the Enos Park neighborhood adjacent to SIU School of
General Results

Trust Building

Access to Care collaborative keeps Enos Park residents from falling through the health care cracks Written by Steve Sandstrom • Photography by Jason Johnson • Published in Aspects Magazine, 39-2 Spring 2016 "Today’s kind of a spur-of-the-moment day," says Shelly Weatherholt as she pilots her car down Eighth Street in Springfield. Weatherholt has a lot of spur-of-the-moment days. Shelly Weatherholt and Shirley Thompson are the new community health workers currently tasked with improving the health and living conditions of residents in the Enos Park neighborhood adjacent to SIU School of
General Results

Paradigm Shift

Real-time simulation raises the bar for teaching Aspects Volume 29 No. 2 Written by Rebecca Buddie • Photography by Jason Johnson Sixty-five-year-old John Petter collapsed in the faux living room at Memorial’s Center for Learning and Innovation (MCLI) on December 18. His 911 call set a series of events in motion that have the potential to better health care delivery and improve patient safety. The largest simulation in size and scope of its kind, this groundbreaking event showcased the collaboration between multiple organizations and disciplines. "This was an opportunity to show people at
General Results

Paradigm Shift

Real-time simulation raises the bar for teaching Aspects Volume 29 No. 2 Written by Rebecca Buddie • Photography by Jason Johnson Sixty-five-year-old John Petter collapsed in the faux living room at Memorial’s Center for Learning and Innovation (MCLI) on December 18. His 911 call set a series of events in motion that have the potential to better health care delivery and improve patient safety. The largest simulation in size and scope of its kind, this groundbreaking event showcased the collaboration between multiple organizations and disciplines. "This was an opportunity to show people at
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