
Raise your breast cancer awareness

On average, 1 in 8 American women will get breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. These women are our grandmothers, mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, aunts, friends, colleagues and community members. Let's show them our support! In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October, our team at SIU Medicine wants to help you raise awareness and learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones. 1. Learn about breast cancer risk factors. As clinicians and researchers, we learn more every day about breast cancer risk factors. By becoming aware of your own risk factors, you can start

Raise your breast cancer awareness

On average, 1 in 8 American women will get breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. These women are our grandmothers, mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, aunts, friends, colleagues and community members. Let's show them our support! In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October, our team at SIU Medicine wants to help you raise awareness and learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones. 1. Learn about breast cancer risk factors. As clinicians and researchers, we learn more every day about breast cancer risk factors. By becoming aware of your own risk factors, you can start
General Results

Get involved with the Smith Alzheimer's Center

We have a number of options for you to help support and stay informed about the latest from the Dale and Deborah Smith Center for Alzheimer's Research and Treatment.

Illinois to allow students 5 mental health days—Here's what parents should know

As part of National Farm Safety and Health Week 2021, SIU Medicine reaffirms their dedication to farm safety and health. This week and throughout the year, our team of physicians and academic professionals strive to raise awareness about mental health care for adults and children throughout southern Illinois. It was in this spirit of community care that SIU School of Medicine created the pioneering program, the Farm Family Resource Initiative . Illinois allows kids 5 mental health days off from school A child in Illinois can soon take up to 5 days off from school for mental or behavioral
General Results

SIU School of Medicine IRB (Institutional Review Board)

Overview The SIU Medicine IRB (Institutional Review Board) is responsible for reviewing proposed research that includes humans as subjects. This includes any study that is: (1) sponsored by Southern Illinois University School of Medicine; (2) conducted in any school of medicine facility; or (3) conducted by school of medicine faculty, staff, residents, or medical students. Research to be performed by a community-based investigator and/or research to be conducted in any school of medicine affiliated hospitals or sites may also be reviewed by the IRB with the appropriate authorization agreements

SIU School of Medicine named a Skin Smart Campus

The National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention has presented SIU School of Medicine (SIU SOM) its Skin Smart Campus Award in recognition of the school’s efforts to educate and protect against the disease. Medical school students and staff have pledged to promote skin cancer prevention and sun safety education and not allow indoor tanning devices on its the campus and in its affiliated buildings. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the U.S., with melanoma—the deadliest form of skin cancer—as one of the most common cancers diagnosed among young adults. The Indoor Tan-Free Skin Smart
General Results

Skin cancer and sun safety

by Aaron Peach and Mary Dickerson The National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention has recognized SIU School of Medicine as a Skin Smart Campus. A 2014 U.S. Surgeon General’s call to action to prevent skin cancer prompted the Indoor Tan-Free Skin Smart Campus Initiative, which drew a strong associations between indoor tanning use and skin cancer. As a Skin Smart Campus, SIU School of Medicine supports public health efforts to inform the general public of skin cancer prevention strategies and to improve community access to sun protection materials. SIU is committed to skin cancer prevention and

Partnering with rural and agricultural neighbors: SIU offers support through the FFRI

Nearly every industry in our community has felt the impact of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The farming and agriculture industry in Illinois is certainly no exception. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the lockdowns and closures in response to COVID-19 are pushing many farm owners to their financial limits as commodity prices, food demands and biofuel demands drop. In an industry that has already faced years of challenging production and market conditions, these financial difficulties are cutting even deeper into farmers' already-thin margins. And for many farm

Q&A: How stress takes a toll on farm families

The Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Center for Rural Health and Social Services Development (CRHSSD) partners with our rural and agricultural neighbors through the Farm Family Resource Initiative (FFRI).
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