General Results

High Risk, High Reward

Rare antibody requires specialized care for pregnant mother Aspects Volume 38 No. 3 Written by Rebecca Budde • Photography by Jason Johnson Image Caption: McKenzie Sargent and her fourth child, Bryar, 5 months, who had the same life-threatening complications at birth as his older sister. Braylee, 3, Carter, 8, and Shaylon, 11, play in the background. At only 10 days old, Braylee Sargent underwent a blood exchange transfusion, replacing approximately 80 percent of her blood volume in order to save her life. "It was a very long 10 days in a hospital room away from our other two children at home
General Results

Steps to Heal

Unique mobile app offers burn survivors help toward healing Aspects Volume 38 No. 4 Written by Rebecca Budde • Photography by Jason Johnson Kari Elliott was only five miles from her parents’ home in Macomb when the accident occurred. “I don’t remember the crash, but I will never forget the pain,” says Kari Elliott. The October 2014 accident engulfed her car in flames upon impact. Elliott survived a long list of injuries, multiple surgeries, including skin grafts for second and third degree burns, and a lengthy hospital stay. Elliott was in St. Francis Hospital in Peoria for a month and then
General Results

Steps to Heal

Unique mobile app offers burn survivors help toward healing Aspects Volume 38 No. 4 Written by Rebecca Budde • Photography by Jason Johnson Kari Elliott was only five miles from her parents’ home in Macomb when the accident occurred. “I don’t remember the crash, but I will never forget the pain,” says Kari Elliott. The October 2014 accident engulfed her car in flames upon impact. Elliott survived a long list of injuries, multiple surgeries, including skin grafts for second and third degree burns, and a lengthy hospital stay. Elliott was in St. Francis Hospital in Peoria for a month and then
General Results

Resilient Survivor

Aspects Volume 38 No. 4 Written by Rebecca Budde • Photography by Jason Johnson "The doctor told my parents that it was unlikely that I'd live through the night." Thereasa Abrams, PhD, LCSW, was only 6 years old. It was a hot July day, and Teri and two of her siblings planned to fight boredom by melting a crayon in the small fire her brother had made in the open-faced charcoal grill. As the youngest of four siblings, Teri had the duty of sneaking into the house and past her mother who was tending to her oldest sister and grab the "evidence" unseen. Mission accomplished, she clutched a green
General Results

Resilient Survivor

Aspects Volume 38 No. 4 Written by Rebecca Budde • Photography by Jason Johnson "The doctor told my parents that it was unlikely that I'd live through the night." Thereasa Abrams, PhD, LCSW, was only 6 years old. It was a hot July day, and Teri and two of her siblings planned to fight boredom by melting a crayon in the small fire her brother had made in the open-faced charcoal grill. As the youngest of four siblings, Teri had the duty of sneaking into the house and past her mother who was tending to her oldest sister and grab the "evidence" unseen. Mission accomplished, she clutched a green
General Results

Images of Innovation In Simulation Education

Aspects Volume 38 No. 4 Photography by Jason Johnson Top: Across from the Simmons Cancer Institute, the Memorial Center for Learning and Innovation houses the SIU School of Medicine J. Roland Folse, MD, Skills Center on the fourth floor as well as a simulation center on the third floor. These centers incorporate aspects emergency medicine, an operating room and back to home therapy. Middle: Emergency medicine residents walk from Memorial Hospital to the MCLI before a day of training in the simulation center. Bottom, Left to Right: • Jason Kegg, MD, emergency medicine physician and director of
General Results

Images of Innovation In Simulation Education

Aspects Volume 38 No. 4 Photography by Jason Johnson Top: Across from the Simmons Cancer Institute, the Memorial Center for Learning and Innovation houses the SIU School of Medicine J. Roland Folse, MD, Skills Center on the fourth floor as well as a simulation center on the third floor. These centers incorporate aspects emergency medicine, an operating room and back to home therapy. Middle: Emergency medicine residents walk from Memorial Hospital to the MCLI before a day of training in the simulation center. Bottom, Left to Right: • Jason Kegg, MD, emergency medicine physician and director of
General Results

WebView (Patient Portal)

What is Webview and why should I enroll? Webview is a patient portal that allows you to look at your medical chart (including labs, diagnosis and current medications) and electronically communicate with your provider's nurse on weekdays. Webview can be accessed electronically 24/7, when it is most convenient for you, without waiting on the phone or being left on hold. You can expect a response from your nurse within 48 hours on weekdays. Ask a staff member at SIU Medicine to sign up today! How to use Webview: Login Go to Enter in your username and password You
General Results

Hingle Named Chair of National Doctor's Group

San Diego – Susan Thompson Hingle, MD, FACP, has been named Chair of ACP’s Board of Regents of the American College of Physicians (ACP), the national organization of Internal Medicine specialists. Her term began during Internal Medicine Meeting 2017, ACP’s annual scientific meeting held in San Diego from March 30-April 1. A resident of Springfield, Ill., Dr. Hingle is Professor of Medicine and an Internal Medicine specialist at the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. Most recently, she served on ACP’s Board of Regents and previously served as Chair of the ACP’s Board of Governors
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