Visionary Women

March is Women’s History Month and the theme for 2019 is “Visionary Women: Champions of Peace & Nonviolence.” Much of this has to do with women who have ended violence and injustices through peaceful

Rural Health Stakeholders Convene for 2018 Illinois Rural Health Summit

Two-day event in Springfield aimed to create blueprint to improve rural health Springfield, Ill. –SIU School of Medicine Department of Population Science and Policy, Paul Simon Public Policy Institute

Rural Health Summit

Report: COVID-19 Widens Disparities in Rural Illinois, Recommends Rural Health Improvements Illinois Rural Health Summit Organizers Convened Discussion Forums, Authored Report March 30, 2021

Free Home Test Kits for Colorectal Cancer Available

The Regional Cancer Partnership of Illinois will distribute free colorectal cancer home screening test kits on several dates and locations during March, Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, to raise

New articles in PubMed by SIU School of Medicine authors March 1, 2019

SIU School of Medicine authors published 25 articles in the past month that were added to PubMed. Display the 25 citations in PubMed

General Anesthesia Versus Conscious Sedation in TAVR: Experience from a Growing Structural Cardiology Program in the Midwest

Congratulations to our Internal Medicine Residents and Cardiology doctors on their recently published retrospective study from their Memorial data . Corresponding Author: Bishal Bhandari, MD, PGY2

SIU Surgeon Named 'Master Educator in Endoscopy'

SIU surgeon John Mellinger, MD, FACS, is the 2019 recipient of the SAGES Foundation’s Ponsky Master Educator in Endoscopy Award. The Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES)

5 Questions You Should Ask Your Patients

Dr. Vidhya Prakash shares her take on how to communicate with patients who are non-compliant and don’t listen to medical advice.

Call for Team Science Grant (TSG) Applications 2019

TSG Award Goals and Scope The Simmons Cancer Institute at SIU (SCI) is seeking to fund proposals led by clinician-basic scientist te a m s that focus on translational cancer research. The main