General Results

Message from the director

Welcome to the SIU Doctor of Medical Science (DMSc) website. As Director of Doctoral Education for the SIU DMSc, it is my pleasure to share with you some words about our advanced PA degree and vision for professional advancement. The DMSc degree is a terminal degree exclusive to NCCPA-certified PAs who have completed their entry-level education and training. The curriculum is by PAs, for PAs, providing our graduates with the expertise and skills required to advance the profession by increasing PA leadership, advocacy, and scholarship. Additionally, our choice of either a Clinical or Education

ECHO Digital Training Resonates with Community Health Care Teams

Over a summer lunch hour, a group of health care providers and caseworkers from across Illinois have gathered to both talk and listen.

ECHO Digital Training Resonates with Community Health Care Teams

Over a summer lunch hour, a group of health care providers and caseworkers from across Illinois have gathered to both talk and listen.

ECHO Digital Training Resonates with Community Health Care Teams

Over a summer lunch hour, a group of health care providers and caseworkers from across Illinois have gathered to both talk and listen.

ECHO Digital Training Resonates with Community Health Care Teams

Over a summer lunch hour, a group of health care providers and caseworkers from across Illinois have gathered to both talk and listen.

Contact dermatitis: Causes, symptoms and prevention strategies for farmers

It's not just cuts, scrapes, bruises and sunburns— contact dermatitis is one of the most common types of skin issues faced by farmers. Learn more about the causes and symptoms of contact dermatitis and what farmers can do to prevent this common skin problem. What is contact dermatitis? Contact dermatitis is a type of skin rash that develops after the skin touches a substance that irritates it or triggers an allergic reaction. Two types of contact dermatitis exist: allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis. Allergic contact dermatitis happens when the skin is exposed to a

Contact dermatitis: Causes, symptoms and prevention strategies for farmers

It's not just cuts, scrapes, bruises and sunburns— contact dermatitis is one of the most common types of skin issues faced by farmers. Learn more about the causes and symptoms of contact dermatitis and what farmers can do to prevent this common skin problem. What is contact dermatitis? Contact dermatitis is a type of skin rash that develops after the skin touches a substance that irritates it or triggers an allergic reaction. Two types of contact dermatitis exist: allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis. Allergic contact dermatitis happens when the skin is exposed to a

Contact dermatitis: Causes, symptoms and prevention strategies for farmers

It's not just cuts, scrapes, bruises and sunburns— contact dermatitis is one of the most common types of skin issues faced by farmers. Learn more about the causes and symptoms of contact dermatitis and what farmers can do to prevent this common skin problem. What is contact dermatitis? Contact dermatitis is a type of skin rash that develops after the skin touches a substance that irritates it or triggers an allergic reaction. Two types of contact dermatitis exist: allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis. Allergic contact dermatitis happens when the skin is exposed to a

Contact dermatitis: Causes, symptoms and prevention strategies for farmers

It's not just cuts, scrapes, bruises and sunburns— contact dermatitis is one of the most common types of skin issues faced by farmers. Learn more about the causes and symptoms of contact dermatitis and what farmers can do to prevent this common skin problem. What is contact dermatitis? Contact dermatitis is a type of skin rash that develops after the skin touches a substance that irritates it or triggers an allergic reaction. Two types of contact dermatitis exist: allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis. Allergic contact dermatitis happens when the skin is exposed to a

How financial pressures impact farmers' health

Financial pressures aren't unique to the farming industry. A 2021 report from the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center found that more than half of Americans say they felt anxious and stressed out when thinking about their financial situation, and the survey was taken before the COVID-19 pandemic. Farming families do face financial constraints that other families don't. From farming equipment to crop insurance, business debt to seed and feed purchases, farmers have a lot on their financial plate—and that's not even counting the more universal challenges of raising a family, paying off
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