General Results

How to structure web content

Structure your content page using the following guidelines: How to use the toolbar The size of your text on a page matters. Search engines use the heading to index the structure and content of your web page. Users often skim a page by it's headings. It is important to use headings to show the document structure. Heading 1 - never use! This will be the title. Heading 2 - use to categorize the information on your page. Heading 3 - use for sub categories within main categories on your page. Heading 4 - If you start with a heading 3 for your main categories, use heading 4 for your sub categories
General Results

Our Brand Audiences

Our Primary Audiences We reach diverse audiences that span an array of personalities and education levels in a variety of different contexts. In fact, it could be argued that we need to reach almost everyone at one time or another. But to promote an effective brand, we need to think about which groups it’s most necessary to build and maintain a relationship with. These are the people who are central to our mission as a medical school—the audience we couldn’t exist without. Prospective/current medical student: wants to help people and the community by becoming a doctor, would like to stay close
General Results

Web training manual

Training outline Website purpose Responsibilities Writing for the web (link goes to intranet) Our audiences When to use heading sizes How to log in Workbench bar How to edit a basic page Proper Image usage Website Purpose Website for patients: | Website for learners: Website, or intranet, for employee news or employee information: . For our websites, the content management system, or CMS is called Drupal. Our two sites are built in the background as one site, so you can easily build a profile for one person, and then push it to both sites. In total
General Results

SIU Website Contributors

Edits web content contributors can and should make: Add/remove internal and external hyperlinks Upload and link PDF documents Add/update text on a web page Add an event to the events calendar Add/remove a photo Example of edits/changes to be made by the Office of Communications, Marketing & Engagement: Content strategy assistance Menu structures and add/remove from menus Create/edit profiles for faculty or providers Edit landing pages
General Results

Women in Medicine and Science Leadership Series

Registration is now open for the AWIMS Leadership Development Series (all virtual), featuring five esteemed SIU leaders who will share leadership lessons through the lens of advocacy. Topics & speakers will include the following: Wellness and Joy in Work: Leadership and Advocacy around Wellness at the Institutional Level Susan T. Hingle, MD, FRCP and Christine Todd, MD Advocacy and Our Next Generation: The Value of Mentorship in Building Future Leaders Michael Phelon Leadership and Advocacy in Public Health: Collaboration, Communication, and Compassion Sameer Vohra, MD, JD Leadership and

Women in Medicine and Science Leadership Series

Registration is now open for the AWIMS Leadership Development Series (all virtual), featuring five esteemed SIU leaders who will share leadership lessons through the lens of advocacy. Topics & speakers will include the following: Wellness and Joy in Work: Leadership and Advocacy around Wellness at the Institutional Level Susan T. Hingle, MD, FRCP and Christine Todd, MD Advocacy and Our Next Generation: The Value of Mentorship in Building Future Leaders Michael Phelon Leadership and Advocacy in Public Health: Collaboration, Communication, and Compassion Sameer Vohra, MD, JD Leadership and
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